
  1. Please use the <Edit Contents> menu option (directly above) to complete this form. Remember to <Save> the page (bottom right) after making updates.
  2. Multiple travelers are asked to collaborate as a team in pulling together the appropriate information.
  3. Some information fields are 'richtext' so that they can accommodate tables, links, images, attachments, and other formatting capabilities that may be useful in explaining/describing this proposal.
  4. This form may be edited/saved as many times as needed. When completed, please notify your Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) for further processing.

Trip Proposals must be approved within the Organization/Structure and Regional GSE Team at least six (6) weeks before the event start date.
Questions about this program should be directed to: CROPP Staff.

Person Completing Form

Wolf Ludwig



Form ID #




Trip Proposal Section

LINK:  EURALO Trip/Event Assessment 1

1) Number of Travelers:
(Note: Each traveler uses one trip of the total number
allocated to each organization/structure).  


2) Traveler Contact Information and Itinerary:

Andrei Kolesnikowandrei@rol.ruMoscowRussia05-Jun-201707-Jun-2017
Gleb Pyzhovglebpyzhov@gmail.comMoscowRussia05-Jun-201707-Jun-2017
Annette Mühlbergannette.muehlberg@verdi.deBerlinGermany05-Jun-201707-Jun-2017
Matthias Hudobnikmatthias@hudobnik.atViennaAustria05-Jun-201707-Jun-2017
Rim Hayatrimchaif@gmail.comCopenhagenDenmark 05-Jun-201707-Jun-2017
Clement Genty (Backup)Clement.GENTY@ensam.euParisFrance05-Jun-201707-Jun-2017
3) Special Travel Circumstances, Arrangements,
Explanations, or Notations: 
(Please identify each traveler, as applicable)
The CROPP applications are based on an open call among our members via our list; the applicants were listed accordingly. The first 5 candidates were approved by the EURALO Board, the 6th candidate (Clement Genty) is a back-up option, if one of the above candidates may step down (what we faced in previous years). The Board made the final selection based on a) information supplied by the candidates themselves and b) our usual selection criteria by considering regional and gender balance among the applicants.
4) Event/Conference Name, Title, or Descriptor:European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG)
5) Event/Conference Dates:
6) Event/Conference Website Link:
7) Primary Event/Conference Location:
Tornimaee 3,
8) ICANN Global Stakeholder Engagement Region:Europe

9) Activity Sponsors:
(Note: all event sponsors must be identified
in order to comply with ICANN travel guidelines).

Sponsors: NIC.AT; Google; Switch; Microsoft; Deutsche Telekom; UNINETT; Verisign; DENIC; Afilias; IFGSA; DNSPT; SIDN.

Partners: Council of Europe; Suisse OFCOM; Internet Society; ICANN; RIPE NCC; EBU; EURALO

10) Proposed Goals and Outcomes:

Content Guidelines (click here)


GOALS: EuroDIG is the best place for promoting multistakeholder models of ICANN in Europe, discussing its role in Internet Governance both with representatives of EU and Central and Eastern Europe, and members of the Council of Europe, including Caucasus. Such discussions contribute to a broader awareness around Internet Governance related issues, especially in the year crucial for shaping the future governance model/s for the Internet, extremely important for all key stakeholders globally and in Europe in particular. One of the regional and strategic shortcomings is the lack of stakeholder involvement in Eastern European countries and South-Eastern European countries – on all levels: government, business sector and civil society. EuroDIG offers one of the few annual opportunities when representatives from Eastern and South-Eastern countries can be included in the IG debate and thus promoting the MS model in the mentioned countries. Capacity building for civil society and At-Large structures (ALSes) in those countries is therefore a key challenge – not only for the ICANN community.

The purpose of the trip for each traveller is different:

Andrei Kolesnikov: ALAC member (NomCom selected) from Russia - his strong IG connections in Eastern Europe
and regional domain name markets is a good opportunity to strengthen European multistakeholder dynamics as a form
of capacity building and networking coached by Andrei;

Gleb Pyzhov: recent director of ALS having applied from Russia - capacity building of this individual needed;

Annette Mühlberg: very experienced volunteer and former ALAC Chair who can act as a mentor to all other 4 candidates,

Matthias Hudobnik: individual member of EURALO's Ind. Association from Austria. Very interested in participating in EURALO,

Rim Hayat: individual member of EURALO's Ind. Association from Denmark. Very interested in participating in EURALO, Each of these individuals will spend some time at the ICANN Booth. 

Each will have a face to face meeting with the EURALO Region's Chair & Secretary to enable them in participating in At-Large & EURALO.

11) Additional Information (optional):

Participation of the respective delegates will focus on a number of aspects: 

a) Sharing of the best practices of ALSes from Eastern Europe and South-Eastern Europe - in a number of emerging areas, among which: - Open Government related initiatives and citizen engagement in decision-making processes, and the role Internet plays in openness, transparency and social accountability, Governance surveillance and Open Government initiatives, etc. - Inclusion of people with disabilities and vulnerable people in general - Media education 

b) Engaging in constructive dialogues around Internet Governance related policy frameworks in EU, and ways this is affecting non-EU member countries (how should national policies on IG be shaped, etc.). 

c) Increasing the number of persons engaged in EURALO and At-Large, by raising awareness of ICANN.

Acknowledgements Section

Note: The first three elements below should be completed by a Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) designated by this organization/structure.

The participants identified in this application agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this FY17 Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP) as outlined on the CROPP Procedures & Guidelines page. Yesall candidates07-Apr-2017Confirmation obtained by the EURALO Secretariat who submitted the application form.
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip Proposal.YesCROPP RT Team20-Apr-2017
The ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President has concurred that the Proposed Goals/Outcomes of this Trip Proposal are consistent with operational plans and/or strategies.YesJean-Jacques SAHEL and Michael YAKUSHEV20-Apr-2017
The CROPP Staff Administrators confirm that this trip/event satisfies the program's terms, guidelines, and policies.Yesjanice lange
Program Administration: STAFF USE ONLY

Approved Travel Elements:

Arrival Date
Departure Date
Approved Fees 
Andrei Kolesnikow05-Jun-201707-Jun-2017

Per Diem

Rim Hayat05-Jun-201707-Jun-2017

Per Diem

Gleb Pyzhov05-Jun-201707-Jun-2017

Per Diem

Annette Mühlberg05-Jun-201707-Jun-2017

Per Diem

Matthias Hudobnik05-Jun-201707-Jun-2017

Per Diem

Staff Department Notifications:

Program RequirementDate Satisfied/ConfirmedInitialsNotes
Constituency Travel Notified20-Apr-2017JDL
Travel Booking Initiated with Attendees02-May-2017JDJWelcome Email Sent
Travel Booking Completed/Confirmed02-Jun-2017JDJ

Program Admin Transfers from Community Drafts to Approved Forms:

Trip Proposal26-Apr-2017Trip/Event Assessment18-Sep-2017

CROPP-FY17 Trip Proposal Template (Jul 2016)

For questions, comments, suggestions, or technical support concerning this space, please email: CROPP Program Staff
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