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Trip Proposals must be completed at least six (6) weeks before the event start date.

Person Completing Form
Name:Seth M ReissDate:


Form ID #



Trip Proposal Section


1) Number of Travelers:
(Note: Each traveler uses one trip of the five (5) allocated to each organization/structure).  


2) Traveler Contact Information and Itinerary:

Seth HonoluluUSA12-Jul-201615-Jul-2016
3) Special Travel Circumstances, Arrangements,
Explanations, or Notations: 
(Please identify each traveler, as applicable)
Most flights from Hawaii to Washington, DC are red-eyes. I would ask that these flights be avoided or, if not, that I leave on a red-eye one day earlier so that I am not arriving mid-morning on the day of the Forum. In this case, I would not need additional accommodations since under either arrangement, a day flight leaving on 13 July or a red-eye leaving on 12 July, I would arrive on 13 July. I would like to stay at the Beacon Hotel for the nights of July 13 and 14.
4) Event/Conference Name, Title, or Descriptor:IGF USA Hotel Beacon Hotel 1615 Rhode Island, Washington DC Phone Reservations 202.296.2100
5) Event/Conference Dates:
6) Event/Conference Website Link:


Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, DC.

One Day Event

7) Primary Event/Conference Location:
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in 1616 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036
City:Washington, DcCountry:USA
8) ICANN Geographic Region:North America

9) Activity Sponsors:
(Note: all event sponsors must be identified
in order to comply with ICANN travel guidelines).

10) Proposed Goals and Outcomes:

I propose to attend the Forum as a NARALO representative and a representative of my ALS, the Intellectual Property & Technology Section of the Hawaii State Bar Association. I will attend as many Forum sessions as possible. If the sessions are consecutive, I will endeavor to attend them all. If sessions run concurrent, I will attend sessions in accordance with my assessment of the importance of the session to NARALO and my ALS, and after that, according to my areas of personal interest. Of the topics currently being suggested on the IGF-USA website, those involving issues arising from the implementation of new TLDs, the conflict between privacy and data localization laws, and the internationalization of ICANN, currently hold the most interest to me and would seem to be of importance to NARALO and my ALS. Following the Forum and in accordance with CROPP guidelines, I will prepare a report summarizing the highlights of the sessions I attend together with my personal comments and observations.
11) Additional Information (optional):

Post-Event Report:

Summary of IGFUSA2016 Highlights:

The Forum opened with a plenary on the digital divide with a presentation by a researcher from the Pew Research Center. The message here was that the divide was still alive and well and in some respects, growing. There was some good news regarding upticks in connectivity among the economically depressed and racial minorities due to the increase in smart phone usage. Efforts to connect third world populations have been falling short.

There were three morning breakout sessions.  I attended the one on trade transparency. There was an interesting discussion on confidentiality in trade negotiations, in particular in the context of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a recently negotiated multilateral trade treaty with intellectual property and Internet trade implications. Speakers questioned the need for the traditionally accepted policy requiring confidentiality during and following treaty negotiations, and suggested moving towards greater transparency in trade negotiations.

Of the three afternoon breakout sessions, I attended the session on the Big Data and the Internet of Things.  One of the speakers opined that we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg as respects the Internet of Things and that the IoT will revolutionize our lives to the same extent as the Internet itself has. There were discussions regarding the need for safeguarding privacy and security, predictions how the IOT would impact bandwidth needs, and ethical questions regarding the generation of use of Big Data.

The afternoon plenary dealt with the IANA transfer to ICANN. This was clearly the Forum highlight and the presentations and debate can be relived at thanks to the hard work of our very own Joly MacFie.  The discussion was lead off by Larry Strickling, US Depart of Commerce, explaining that a further delay in the transition, which could result from the failure of the legislature to approve the transition plan supported by the administration, would be expected to cause the U.S. Government to lose credibility in the eyes of the other governments. This, in turn, would be expected to cause countries who favor a centralized control of the Internet through a UN agency or similar to gain traction in the Internet governance debate.  Speakers representing libertarian perspectives argued for delaying the transition to work out certain details which they viewed as potentially problematic, particularly in the area of ICANN corporate governance. One speaker argued for a claw-back provision that would allow the U.S. Government to rescind the transition during an initial two year period if certain risks or dangers came to pass or loomed.

In addition to Jolly, Judith Hellerstein and Glenn McKnight were instrumental in the success of the IFGUSA 2016.   The day was insightful and stimulating and packed a lot, efficiently, into a few hours. The small size of the audience (maybe 200 or so) added to the effectiveness of the event.

I would like to thank ICANN and NARALO for  giving me the opportunity to attend.

Outreach and Engagement:

I was successful in connecting with 3 or 4 individuals that expressed some interest in becoming an ALS.  One was a law student who was interning with the FCC for the summer and who had attended an IGF in  Istanbul in 2014.  She expressed some interest in participating in the At Large community and also thought she might have friends at her law school that might be interested.

I also connected with one of the speakers who is a non-practicing lawyer working for a research consultancy who had done extensive research on the ICANN transition.  We discussed the advantages of joining the At Large contingency relative to other ICANN contingencies.

I also met with other attendees who, because of their positions and interests, are unlikely to become ALSs.

The opportunities for outreach and engagement were somewhat more limited at this event, perhaps because it was held in Washington, DC with participants from government, think tanks and consultancies who would be unlikely to be appropriate ALSs or have an interest in constituting an ALS.



Community Confirmation Section

Note: To be completed by a Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) designated by this organization/structure.

The participants identified in this application agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this FY16 Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP) as outlined on the Program Elements page. YesJudith Hellerstein and Glenn McKnight11-May-2016
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip Proposal.YesJudith Hellerstein and Glenn McKnight11-May-2016The NARALO Leadership approves this request
The ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President has concurred that the Proposed Goals/Outcomes of this Trip Proposal are consistent with operational plans and/or strategies.YesJudith Hellerstein05-Jun-2016Chris Mondini approves
Program Administration: STAFF USE ONLY

Approved Travel Elements:

Arrival Date
Departure Date
Approved Fees 
Seth Reiss13-Jul-201615-Jul-2016

Per Diem

Staff Department Notifications:

Program RequirementDate Satisfied/ConfirmedInitialsNotes
Constituency Travel Notified01-Jun-2016JDJNeed project ID and the approved travel elements above completed.
Travel Booking Completed/Confirmed10-Jun-2016JDJ

Program Admin Transfers from Community Drafts to Approved Forms:

Trip Proposal Trip/Event Assessment

CROPP Trip Proposal Template v4 (Aug 2015)

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