Members: Jordan Carter, Maria Camila Rojas Azula, Irina Danelia, Atsushi Endo, Abdalmonem Galila, Svetlana Lobanova, Diego Ernesto Luna Quevado, Pablo Rodriguez, Pengyu Zhu, 

Liaisons: Peter Van Roste,

Participants: Laura Margolis, 

Observers and experts: Kim Davies, Selina Harrington

Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Joke Braeken, Claudia Ruiz 

Apologies: Chris Disspain, Declan McDermott, Mirjana Tasić, 

Draft agenda:


2. Administrative matters

a. SoI updates

b. Workplan 

3. Discission of potential Gaps identified by IANA

a. Method, San Juan & Kigali outcomes ( see PDF).

b. Topics to be discussed (see the items in paper: Identified GAPs from IANA perspective []. The order of topics in the paper follows the order of priority of topics from the IANA perspective. The next 3 topics to be discussed are:

i. Local Presence

ii. Minimum level of Involvement

iii. Active Compliance Monitoring

4. Next meeting

a. 8 October 2024

b. 22 October 2024

5. AOB

6. Closure


Recording:  Zoom Playback

Chat Transcript: 24 September 2024 .txt

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