TrackerAttendance, apologies, action items: see tracker

Proposed agenda

  1. Welcome
  2. Administrative matters
    1. SOI updates
    2. Action items
  3. Focus on Africa-sessions
    1. Looking back at part 1 (Topic: digital tax)
    2. Looking ahead to part 2 (Topic: African Union (AU) Data Policy Framework)
  4. IGLC Action Plan, with focus on WSIS+20 and related matters
    1. Heat map ICANN78: input to IGLC survey
    2. Confirmation action plan
    3. Next steps
      1. We seek volunteers: Small team to help with WSIS+20 messaging
    4. Update on session planning for ICANN80
      1. About the Policy Forum
      2. WSIS+20 session by ICANN org
      3. IGLC session entitled “How ccTLDs contribute to a better world: In pursuit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”.  

The goal of the session is  to explore how the Global Digital Compact (GDC) and the 20-year review of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+20) can accelerate progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and the unique role ccTLDs can play in this pursuit.  The session showcases the relevance of the SDGs to ccTLDs and concrete actions by ccTLDs, as well as partnerships that drive progress towards their achievement.

6. Latest news from IGLC members (e.g. GDC updates, WSIS+20, NetMundial, national, regional or global IGF)

7. AOB

8. Conclusion and next meetings

Wednesday, 8 May 2024 | noon UTC – focus on Africa, part 2

Wednesday, 22 May 2024 | 6 UTC 

ICANN80: 10-13 June 2024


Documents, background, notes

-     Agenda item 2a

The ccNSO Statement of Interest form:  https://forms.gle/79Jw4wSnNhn5W4Z46

-     Agenda item 4a

Adjustments to ICANN78 heat map

-     Agenda item 4b

Action plan, April 2024 edition: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16R8TQI09B1RkoD_u9hbMF6UAJbMi31s1fvdW2ilYK6c/edit?usp=sharing

  • The high-level notes are designed to help the IGLC navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. Consult the notes here.
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