Project Status:

(tick) Board Determination on Final Report in Nov 2020

(star)Implementation ongoing/subject to prioritization- refer to the implementation page for more information. 

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The Accountability and Transparency Review is mandated by ICANN Bylaws Section 4.6(d) to assess "ICANN’s execution of its commitment to maintain and improve robust mechanisms for public input, accountability, and transparency so as to ensure that the outcomes of its decision-making reflect the public interest and are accountable to the Internet community".

On 1 June 2020, the third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) submitted its final report to the ICANN Board.

The Board approved five recommendations consisting of fifteen component parts as issued within the ATRT3 Final Report and specified in the Scorecard titled "ATRT3 Final Recommendations Board Action 30 November 2020." Further, the Board directed ICANN's President and CEO, or his designee(s), to take all actions directed to the ICANN org within that Scorecard, subject to the prioritization process. 

See for more information.

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