No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesStatus
16ICANN needs to improve their direct communications regardless of time zones.ICANN Board; ICANN GSE StaffTG2
  • ALT

COMPLETED - No Response Required


Implementation Details

The At-Large Community has made a firm commitment for the rotation of its teleconferences, webinars, and briefings to cater to participants in various time zones.

At-Large has also made ICANN treats time zone accommodation a priority in enhancing inclusion and diversity.

As a result, there has been an absolute increase of the rotation of teleconferences across ICANN, particularly in cross community working groups and webinars and briefings held by staff departments. 

Next Step

At-Large will maintain a watching brief on the rotation of teleconferences within ICANN and other improvements of communications across various time zones.


    • ATLAS II IT to ask ALT to confirm that there has been a firm commitment re continuing the system of rotation for At-Large calls, webinars, and briefings 
    • ALAC to ask ICANN Board and GSE Staff to confirm that there has been a firm commitment re continuing the system of rotation for ICANN calls, webinars, and briefings  


  • An absolute increase of the rotation of calls among different time zones; especially the rotation of calls in the IANA CWG, Accountability CCWG, and ICG are supported by our community; 
  • The At-Large calls are about to rotate to cater to attendees in different time zones 
  • Making decision within 24hr period is still a challenge 
  • (update from the GSE, slides
    • Note on slide: This is being addressed through rotation of time zones for QSC and in some working groups with rotation of call times. This recommendation is not limited to GSE, but also applies to other departments across ICANN.
  • No labels


  1. For ALAC/ALAC/ALT meetings, Alan has tried very hard to set meeting times that are as fair as possible to all participants and has rotated times - so full marks to Alan with this recommendation.  For GNSO calls, times are set that suit US/Europe participants, and for those of us in APAC, the times are almost always less than optimal, if not impossible.

    I can't speak for the IANA calls

    Decisions in 24 hours are always a challenge and, as much as possible, should be avoided.

  2. We have found that the two main ICANN Cross Community Efforts, the CWG on IANA Stewardship Transition and the CCWG on Accountability have both implemented calls on a rotational basis.

    One concern has been the fast turnover of decisions on the CWG & CCWG, with cultural diversity, local holidays and time zones not taken into account. Probably the largest amount of time zone problems is the Far East, Pacific Islands & Australasia so I'll let them voice if there has been an improvement or not.