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At-Large Summit Closing General Session
At-Large Summit Closing General Session Order of Events
Draft v1.5
Start Time End Time Segment Name Person/Persons   Segment Description   A/V Description   Duration Confirmed?
8:00:00 8:00:30 Announcer N Ashton-Hart   Introduces C Langdon-Orr (announcer offstage st sound desk)   Music: Classical / Ambient as people enter the room (music starts 07:45). Music from NAH's iPod.   0:00:30 N
8:00:00 8:05:00 Opening / Introduction C Langdon-Orr   Brief opening comments welcoming attendees, introducing the session, and next speaker   Powerpoint: Session Title Slide, with Speaker Name below Music: none   0:05:00 N
8:05:00 8:15:00 Overview of Summit Structure / Events V Scartezini (speaking in Spanish)       Powerpoint - bullets showing listing of main events as they are spoken of. Slides move along with speakers. Each bullet appears as it is mentioned.   0:10:00 N
8:15:00 8:20:00 Working Group Introduction W Ludwig   Wolf introduces the subjects the Working Group's tackled, notes that full statements are printed and available at the door/back of the room/wherever they are actually located.

Last 1 minute: Wolf introduces next segment
  Powerpoint: One slide for each working group, consisting of session title followed by main scope of group as bullets. Slides are moved through offstage as wolf speaks about each of them.
Other A/V: None
  0:05:00 N
8:20:00 8:35:00 Working Group Statement highlights     Video plays   A/V: Video of individual members of each working group narrating the three main themes of that working group's statement. Photos of working groups at work, candid shots of members working together interleaved with each video statement to fill available time for each of the five.

Total segment time per working group: 3 minutes.
  0:15:00 N
8:35:00 8:35:30 RALO Perspective - Introduction N Ashton-Hart   Introduces next speaker (announcer offstage at sound desk)       0:00:30 N
8:35:30 8:38:00 RALO Perspective C Samuels (or other RALO officer)   Briefly notes that there are five RALOs, what they are, what their function is, that they meet monthly, that they have just had their regional General Assemblies as part of the Summit, introduces video by noting something like "we've prepared a short film to allow each RALO to speak in its own words about participating in ICANN"   PowerPoint: One slide with Carlton (or other speaker) name, position title, RALO name, next with list of all five RALOs, one more with short bullet points emphasising what RALOs are and are chartered to do.   0:02:30 N
8:38:00 8:53:00 RALO Perspective - Video     Video plays   A/V: Video of individual members of each RALO narrating three main points each RALO would like to make about itself. Photos of RALOs at work interleaved with each statement to fill the available time for each RALO.

Total segment time per RALO: 3 minutes
  0:15:00 N
8:53:00 8:53:30 Thematic Sessions - Introduction N Ashton-Hart (in French)   Introduces next speaker (announcer offstage at sound desk)       0:00:30 N
8:53:30 8:55:00 Thematic Sessions AFRALO Designate (speaking in French)   Briefly notes that there were x number of Thematic Sessions, what the purpose of the Thematic Sessions was, thanks all the organisers and presenters, and introduces video segment   Powerpoint: One slide with name, title, and RALO name when speaker comes on, one slide with listing of Sunday five Thematic Sessions (including day at top), one with list of Tuesday sessions (including day at top)   0:01:30 N
8:55:00 9:05:00 Thematic Sessions - Video     video plays   Video with the main slogan of each thematic session being spoken by a session organiser, with the session title at the bottom. At end, extra time is filled with slide show of photos from various thematic sessions   0:10:00 N
9:05:00 9:05:30 Introduction - Way Forward Segment N Ashton-Hart   Introduces next speaker (announcer offstage at sound desk)   Powerpoint slide with name, affiliation, RALO of next speaker comes on at end of intro   0:00:30 N
9:05:30 9:20:00 Way Forward / Ending Keynote E Leibovitch   Sums up the strategic vision of the Summit's outcomes, the excitement generated, the value of participation in ICANN by the voice of the individual Internet user, etc.   Either no video or a slide show of still images from all the Summit's meetings   0:14:30 N
9:20:00 9:20:30 Introduction - Chair of the Board N Ashton-Hart   Introduces next speaker (announcer offstage at sound desk)       0:00:30 N
9:20:30 9:28:00 Chair of the Board speaks P Dengate-Thrush   PDT to close with comments relevant to the overview of the Summit, its importance to ICANN, other comments he thinks relevant   Powerpoint: Peter's name, title, fades to black after a couple of minutes   0:07:30 N
9:29:00 9:30:00 Closing of the Session C Langdon-Orr   Declares the Summit closed, bangs the gavel, thanks ICANN community, At-Large community, etc       0:01:00 N
Total Time             1:29:30

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