Participants: G. Bruen (GB), E. Diaz (ED), A. Greenberg (AG), E. Leibovitch (EL), J. MacFie (JM), G. Shearman (GS), D. Thompson, D. Younger (DY)

Staff: H. Ullrich (HU)

Summary minutes

EL provided an update on the At-Large Director selection process including additional options. EL asked NARALO members whether they wished to discuss the options in greater detail in order to reach a consensus.

GB provided a follow up on WHOIS studies and raised questions on the speed of the follow up. He asked for confirmation of speakers/meeting times two months in advance.

DY called for ALAC to comment on how WHOIS studies should (ALAC WHOIS committee, but no one is chairing the body). ALAC should

AG, WHOIS is a GNSO issue for the most part. Suggested that GNSO council be seated first to see their actions. After the new year, then ALAC could look further into the issue. However, in the interim, At-Large members are welcome to work on this issue.

EL discussed At-Large task force on naming issues and upcoming meeting in Seoul.

The current open public consultations were reviewed.

The issue of the hard-wiring of NCSG constituency representatives to GNSO Council seats was discussed. Concerns were raised regarding the hard-wiring of NCSG representatives to the GNSO Council. The objections were specifically the method and the two-year term. DY and BB have filed a re-consideration with the SIC. HU noted that there would be a meeting between members of the SIC and the proposed Consumers Constituency during the Seoul meeting. HU to keep NARALO informed of the outcomes of this meeting.

Meetings scheduled to take place in Seoul were discussed.

AG briefly discussed the issue will be vertical integration/separation will be an important issue.

At-Large Director Selection Process: AG noted that the At-Large Selection Committee would develop a short-list looking at potential candidates from within the At-Large community as well as outside the community. The RALOs would have the ability to add their own names if they felt a strong candidate had been excluded from the At-
EL to refine step 4 in the NARALO process.

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