NARALO Monthly Teleconference

Date: Monday, 11 January 2010

Time: 20:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

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Participants: Eduardo Diaz, Beau Brendler, Evan Leibovitch, Wendy Seltzer, Alan Greenberg, Seth, Miles, Glenn McKnight, Gareth Shearman

Apologies: Darlene Thompson

Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Matthias Langenegger

Summary Minutes: Summary Minutes 11 January 2010

Action Items: Action Items 11 January 2010

Recording: ENGLISH


1. Roll Call

2. Review of the Action Items of 14 December 2009

3. IDNs and Defensive Registration (Bart Boswinkel, ICANN Senior Policy Advisor, ccNSO)

What has ICANN done to inform registrants about IDNs and whether they need to make defensive registrations?
Bart will give you a general overview of the current situation as it applies to IDN ccTLDs.

4. Open Public Comment Periods

> a. At-Large Policy Development Schedule

> b. Currently open public consultations

>> Final Report on Three-Character Requirement and Variant Management (ends 8 Jan 10) (James Seng is currently working on the Draft ALAC Statement)
>> 2010-2013 Strategic Plan (ends 21 Jan 10)
>> Special Trademarks Issues Report (ends 26 Jan 10)
>> New gTLD Program – Draft Expressions of Interest/Pre-Registrations Model (ends 27 Jan 10)
>> Discussion Draft: Affirmation Reviews (ends 31 Jan 10)

5. Formalization of the status of individual NARALO members

It is suggested that there be a registration system and a database where individual members be listed. As we move forward with the process to choose an At-Large Director (see agenda item 6) it will become more important to have a database of individual members.

6. At-Large Director White Paper

Published on January 8th, 2009 by the At-Large White Paper Drafting Team (Sébastien Bachollet (EU), Alan Greenberg (NA), Dave Kissoondoyal (AF), Cheryl Langdon-Orr (AP), Evan Leibovitch (NA), Carlton Samuels (LAC)).

Introduction and Milestones (Executive Summary will be added shortly)
Section 1 – Term of Appointment
Section 2 – Director Qualifications
Section 3 – Creation of List of Candidates
Section 4 - Electorate
Section 5 – Voting Process

(Glossary will be added shortly)

7. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Alan, Beau, and Gareth)

8. Update on the NARALO Brochure (Eduardo, Evan, Louis)

See NARALO Brochure Resource Page

9. Update on the NARALO Discussion on the Strategic Plan 2010-13

9. Other Business

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