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You can search pages, page titles, or the text of attachments using Socialtext. Type the words you are looking for in the "Search" box in the top of the sidebar. A list of matching pages will be returned.
>> http:base/images/docs/search.png

Advanced searching

Search by phrase.
> You search for a phrase by enclosing the phrase in double-quotes. For example, "end of quarter" will find all pages with the exact phrase end of quarter.

Search by title.
> To find a page with a particular title, start the search with title: For example, use title:help to find pages with "help" in the title.

Search by category.
> You can search for pages in categories with category:. For example, category:expense will return all pages in the "expense" category.

Search with wildcards.
> When searching for terms with plurals and suffixes, you can use the wildcard * to match any variation of the term. For example, child* will match "child", "childhood", and "children".

Exclude a term.
> You can search for all pages except those containing a term by prefixing the excluded term with a minus sign. For example, meeting -agenda will find all pages that contain the word "meeting" without the word "agenda".

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