Socialtext Eventspaces are workspaces accessible by everybody. Whether you want a flexible, globally editable website or you'd like to host a virtual conference, a Socialtext Eventspace is a fast, easy, and flexible bridge between you and the rest of the world.

Depending on your needs, Socialtext Eventspaces come in four types. While all Socialtext Eventspaces are readable by anybody on the network, they vary instead by whom can edit.

  • Public. By creating a public Eventspace, you can create a web presence that your whole team can read and edit without having to log in. Public users need member privileges in order to upload files. Any administrator can invite a user to grant them membership privileges. Members do need to log in with a username and password.
  • Read-only. By creating a read-only Eventspace, you can create a web presence that you – and only you – can quickly change as needed. Read-only eventspaces are great for publishing documents under revision, or for preserving knowledge after a conference event has ended.
  • By invitation. You can enable others edit the Eventspace by inviting them to the workspace. This process is the same as inviting someone to a private workspace. Go to Settings, and then Invite new users (http:index.cgi?action=users_invite). Only administrators can invite new members.
  • Self-registration. When hosting a virtual conference, you can let your attendees self-register into the Eventspace so they can contribute.

>> http:base/images/docs/Eventspace-Register.png

How it works

> Readers. Anyone on the network can read anything in the workspace, but they cannot modify the workspace. To do that, they have to be members.

> Contributors. Contributors have the ability to read and modify the workspace. They can edit pages, and make comments. However, they cannot upload files, e-mail the workspace, or receive email notifications.

> Members. Members have the ability to modify the workspace. They can edit pages, upload files, and e-mail the workspace. One can become a member by invitation or by self-registering, as described above.

> Administrators. Some members are administrators. Administrators are in charge of the workspace. They create a new workspace, configure the workspace (such as setting the title and uploading a logo), and invite new members.

How do I log in?

> To log in as an administrator or a member, go to (Replace "YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID" with the ID of your workspace.)

How to create an eventspace

To create an Eventspace, make a new workspace. Get it ready to go public. When you're ready, contact Tell us what type of Eventspace you want (Public, Read-Only, by Invitation, or Self-Registration). We'll make it public for you.