The Chair called the meeting to order at 1327 UTC.

Review of last Meeting Minutes

Actions arising from previous meetings

The Chair and staff discussed about what system would be best to keep track of action items and remind the volunteers of the deadlines. It was pointed out that although all volunteers are responsible for the deadlines Staff would remind them of the important deadlines.

Accountability Framework (incl. Conflict of Interest Statement)

The Chair noted that if the current draft of the Conflict of Interest Statement was adopted the Executive Committee would serve as a conflicts committee in the new Accountability Framework.

Another important aspect of the current draft version of the Conflict of Interest statement concerns the principle of continuous disclosure. All volunteers should continuously disclose all interest that might have an influence on their standing in an issue.

Staff encouraged the ALAC ExCom to make comments on the draft of the Accountability Framework before the 31st of March so that the ALAC had sufficient time to review the statement before deadline on the 11th of April.

Extension of public Comment

It was decided that the deadline for comments would be extended if there were a request that this be done before the end of the initial deadline on the 31st of March. The public comment would be extended until the 25th of April.

Vice Chair Election

Staff will send out a reminder about the nomination period for the Vice Chair Election.

The Chair suggested an amendment to the rules of procedures that would allow the ALAC to appoint an interim Vice Chair in the absence of suggestions from the community in a given period o time.

Staff will include this in the proposed amendment of the rules of procedures.


The Chair will look into some of the research that has been conducted on the normal practice of companies who allow business class air travel where there are long-haul flights.

Staff pointed out that the fact that a certain ad-hoc activity is not part of the budget did not mean that is not possible to get funding for it.

Staff will circulate the outline document requesting research into registrants’ experiences with switching registrars that the ALAC Board liaison put forward some time ago and will present it for inclusing in the Budget for the F&B Subcommittee meeting.

GNSO Improvement Workshop

V Scartezini and H Diakite are asked to consider the option to have an ALAC workshop at the IGF 2008.

Other Business

Staff will write an invitation to the EURALO for the ExCom meeting on the 23th of April on behalf of the ALAC Chair.

Staff will write invitations to all WG Chairs and liaisons for the ExCom meeting on the 28th of May.

The next meeting will be on the 23th of April at 1230 UTC.

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 1502 UTC.

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