GNSO liaison

Alan – reviewed GNSO activities. Details will be in his GNSO report.

Evan – CWG – any clarification?

Alan – no real progress.

Evan – Can we try to work with them?

Alan – I think there is goodwill between the groups – more than before.

Evan – So question for ExCom – where do we go from here ?

Alan – we are not nearly as process bound as they are. The more we can do to gave light rules, the better.

Alan – The GNSO has established a set of rules which they think is a basis for discussion. There will be internal discussion. They have asked for external people invited to take part in the discussion. Alan has been asked to participate.

Olivier – What are our next steps – working separately from the GNSO will result in two decisions.

OCL – Where does it go from here? Will there be a PC? Will Stephan write to Olivier?

Alan – I will look at the transcript and give more details.

ccNSO Liaison

Reviewed her report.

ccNSO met in CR,

Eberhard was in support of the Academy.

CLO – Could we develop a mind map?

Discussed the ccNSO Finance WG Survey on ICANN Contributions and Services

Xavier Calvez

FY13 budget requests

Framework budget – we published on 17 January and it was then that the PC was opened. We considered the comments and started replying. We published the comments/ replies. We published all and we will provide some information. We received three types of comments: 1) verification; 2) more information requests; 3) structural questions.

So our replies have been well-received. We’ll find a way to provide …but the framework is only at a stage where …good reception of taking them into account.

Our replies are well-advanced. Will shortly finish.

Sala – what percentage of the ICANN budget is allocated toward outreach?

Xavier – Difficulty to know what outreach is

Sala – Global partnerships/partnerships/

AI: Staff to remind Xavier of question from Sala on percentage of the ICANN budget is allocated toward outreach for the last 5 years on an annual basis.

Evan – Last year when responses were made, we were told that retaining volunteers was more important than getting new ones. One of the problems was that we didn’t know the priorities. We found ourselves in the assumptions/priorities were. Could you update us on how that could be given to us earlier.

Xavier – Outreach Initiative.

Evan – will we be involved?

Xavier – It is the beginning of the process. Internally still doing homework.

Evan – I find this very objectionable – At-Large has been doing outreach for years. So to be told that ICANN first has to define outreach. So can we please do something about it. So either you will be active on this or this is another stalling effort.

Xavier – Outreach has been defined differently in various groups. There is a need for structing the communities in terms of outreach. There is a lot of work that has been put together the last two or three months.

Olivier – There was a request from Marilyn for $100k for IGF.

X – Had not seen before. As part of the formal AC/SO budget requests.

X – AC/SO budget requests – the process this year was inclusive. The Outreach WG has developed a template to support the definition of outreach initiatives toward the end of 2011. The template was used for FY13 requests. We’ve gathered all the requests. Placeholder amount was $500k, so far $752k in budget requests, so our job will be somewhat easier. We have tried to create a process to… transparent. Last year’s process was seen as nontransparent. We’ve  tried to create a process that enables everyone to see what the requests are. We’ve put together an assessment criteria table that will help them evaluate the criteria. So part of our issues this year, we created some criteria but weren’t able to do them before the requests came in. This was a flaw.

Tijani – I would like to thank your department that there is a process this year. We were presented a briefing. We want to do this together. We want ALAC to do this together.

Cheryl – LACRALO – we are gaining in the system. We need to take some of the things that we’ve completed out.

Xavier – to confirm, the FY13 budget request from LACRALO should be taken off the table.

Cheryl – yes, but might be another…

Xavier – could be looked at the requests in a recurring cycle – because if it is cycle of meetings that the ALAC would like, it would make more sense to build a pluri-year cycle so you don’t need to request it every year. Should discuss further.

AI: HU to work with XC to find a time for a call with the FBSC in ALAC in the next couple of weeks.

Roadmap --

Xavier – would like to in the next couple of months  - to discuss the roadmap and find time with a number of members to sit down together and work on the schedule with Heidi in a WG mode. Look at the costs, etc.


We committed last time that we are looking at a multi-year budget that will help us get the summit in gear. The ability to see things in a multi-year. The new gTLD application process will help us as we may need to show our budgets a couple of years in advance. It is not hurting your cause to have Sebastien on the Finance Committee. We are planning a 3 year strategic budget and that will happen by Prague. That will facilitate moving forward on the summit.

We the Outreach Plan, we are trying to put all the various outreach activities in the AC/SOs in one bucket. We also want to put some metrics in place. This is the idea of the Framework. That was supposed to kick off in CR and have the community let us know what works best. We are moving forward with that. The Academy is part of that and we need to make sure that it works with everyone. We are committed to supporting this initiative as from a fiscal perspective. It makes more sense to have common pamphlets, etc. That would stretch our budget. Hope to move forward on this in between sessions.

OCL – When will budget requests be announced? Academy.

Akram – We are evaluating. In the next three months I’m hoping that the community will outline outreach/inreach. I’m not worried about the costs. I’d like to record the sessions. I am more concerned that we move forward on this and other outreach activities by Prague.

Tijani – Academy – it is the global activity.

Akram – Yes, that is why I said it must be supported but that all outreach activities be combined in an outreach budget line.

Akram - Outreach requests from AC/SOs will also come from the budgets from AC/SO requests.

Akram – I’m trying to get to a better solution on outreach/inreach.

Tijani – I don’t think the envelope will be reduced by the activities. I don’t think the Academy should be taken from the ALAC request envelope.

Akram – agree.

Sala – Is there room in the development of outreach metric development for the ALAC?

Akram – Absolutely. The Outreach Initiative should be community based.

Julie Hammer – SSAC Liaison

AI: Should OCL approve of the Liaison Reports webpage, Staff are to set up a wikipage template based on the ccNSO Liaison Reports webpage for other Liaisons.

Sala: I have noticed that the material on the website is an absolute nightmare. As such, i sorted it chronologically.

Alan Greenberg: Many spaces are terribly organized. Now that we are fully staffed, we should be able to organize the wiki.

OCL: Your statement resounds with how we are moving forward. The issue of wiki organization can only be dealt with slowly and it will require a lot of work.




AI: Heidi to follow up with Compliance regarding the lack of a .mobi Liaison

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