Participants: C Langdon-Orr (Chair), V Scartezini, H Diakite, S Bachollet

Staff: F Teboul, M Langenegger, N Ashton-Hart

The Chair called the meeting to order at 1247 UTC.

C Langdon-Orr formally welcomed S Bachollet as one of the Vice Chairs to the ExCom and expressed her great pleasure to work with Sebastian in this Committee. Welcome aboard, Sebastian.

Accountability Framework

With regards to the Conflict of Interest Statement the Staff noted that he asked the ICANN legal advice to have a look at the Conflict of Interest Statement and they noted that in their opinion the document went too far in certain aspects.

V Scartezini pointed out that it is important to know exactly how a conflict of interest is defined under California law since this concept has different signification in various legal systems.

C Langdon-Orr noted that it was important to have a user-friendly and easily navigational document. She asked the Staff (F Teboul) to explore the opportunity to have an online document that summarizes well the over-arching At-Large principles and which then allows a potential candidate to navigate to a more detailed outline of the requirements.

C Langdon-Orr informed the participants about ongoing discussions on the possibility to have an ALAC workshop at the IGF in Hyderabad.

F Teboul, N Ashton-Hart, V Scartezini and H Diakite will work together to draft a placeholder application for an IGF workshop in Hyderabad. (see Action Items of 22 April F&B Subcomittee Conference)

H Diakite and V Scartezini are asked to inform the ALAC in the next ALAC Teleconference about the preparation of the ALAC IGF workshop.

The Staff (N Ashton-Hart) will distribute the joint user constituency statement regarding structure and voting to the ALAC ExCom list for final review before sending it out to the internal, external and RALO list.

The Chair suggested inviting EURALO and the working groups chairs and liaisons to the ExCom May meeting. She proposed to have two short conversations with each one of the constituencies. Everybody agreed to that.

Staff will invite the EURALO and the working group chairs and liaisons for the May ExCom teleconference. Ideally, the working group chairs and liaisons will dial in 15 Minutes after the call started and the EURALO 30 after the call started. The rest of the ExCom teleconference would then be dedicated to a conversation with EURALO.

The Staff noted that ccNSO suggested that ALAC and ccNSO meet over lunch on Monday during the Paris meeting. It is on the Paris meeting schedule.

There was discussion about the appropriate number of ALAC working sessions at the Paris Meeting. There seemed to be a certain tension between focusing mainly on outreach activities and concentrating on proper ALAC and At-Large issues in Paris.

The Staff noted that Business constituency was interested in meeting with the ALAC and suggested to turn this into a joint meeting with the Business and the NCUC. S Bachollet, V Scartezini and the Chair raised their concerns with regards to this suggestion.

The Chair pointed out that it is important that there is an agenda with two or three topics of mutual interested for each of the meetings with the other constituencies. She added that it is important not to repeat the same issues with each constituency.

The ALAC ExCom will write a draft agenda with two to three agenda items for each of the Meetings with the other constituencies in Paris by the next ExCom Teleconference on 28 May. In order to do so, the ALAC ExCom will contact the Executives from the other constituencies.

ALS Application Status

The Staff informed the ExCom on the ALS application status and told them about the concern the EURALO had with the ALS application of France@Large.

The ExCom resolved that the application would be put to a vote. The ALAC will be asked for a decision before 30 April.

The Staff will organize a poll on the France@Large ALS application and put the issue to vote.

The next meeting will be on 28 May at 1230 UTC.

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 1345 UTC.

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