New gTLDs

Euralo members to comment P Vande Walle first draf of EURALO statement on new gTLDs applicant guidebook

Summit WG

ALSs from EURALO are welcome to bring as much information material as they can to Mexico for the poster session on the Saturday evening at Mexico.

N Ashton-Hart is preparing the respective working group’s lists of participants

General Assembly

Euralo members must suggest secretariat candidates and proposals for the summit onto W Ludwigh via email or through the discussion list

EURALO must add to the agenda items for the GA, the need to budget financial support for outreach activities. See:
Draft Agenda EURALO GA, Mexico, 3rd March 09
Draft Board report 2008-09 for GA 09

Update of EURALO Wiki page

W Ludwig, H Ullrich and R Vansnick will prepare a proposal together, inspiring themselves on the LACRALO documents

Update on outreach events

H Ullrich and W Ludwig will look into the ICANN fellows who reside in Europe to see whether they would be interested in joining At-Large

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