
I would like to share with you the outcomes of the 31 October 2007 APRALO Monthly Teleconference/Meeting.

This was planned to be a hybrid face-to-face/teleconference meeting during ICANN LA, however the teleconference facilities failed us miserably. My apologies to anyone who tried to connect using the dysfunctional teleconference provider.

The following is a summary of the meeting outcomes.

  1. Representatives from At Large @ China called a point of order and strongly expressed their disappointment at the non-attendance of APRALO meetings and teleconferences of some elected APRALO Officers and Representatives.
  2. Wendy Seltzer, ICANN Board Liaison for ALAC, attended the meeting and discussion ensued on ways in which to ensure lines of communication were open and maintained between her, the Board and in particular with APRALO. Wendy will join the APAC Discuss List so she is abreast with local discussions.
  3. There was discussion on the NomCom Review and whether APRALO should make a submission. It was agreed that APRALO should do this, and Hong Xue would take the lead.
  4. There was general commentary on the lack of feedback and communication on ICANN-organised "regional meetings" to other constituencies/interested persons in the region in a timely manner.
  5. In keeping with recent moves to engage with APTLD, and the preliminary discussion on a joint APRALO-APTLD meeting during IGF Delhi, it was agreed that the joint meeting should be pursued. Rajnesh Singh will get in touch with the APRALO APTLD WG.
  6. APRICOT 2008 will be held in Taiwan shortly after the ICANN Delhi meeting. Due to both meetings in the same month, APRALO will not be able to hold a meeting at APRICOT, however, it was agreed that there should be some form of APRALO presence at APRICOT 2008.
  7. The issue of ICANN-supported travel support was raised, and the criteria under which this was to be allocated to ensure such support was maximised and did not become a paid holiday.
  8. Hong Xue indicated that .ASIA had committed in 2004 (or 2005?) to support Asia Pacific initiatives where APRALO could be one such benefactor. This needs to be followed up as it could be a means to further project initiatives.
  9. The APRALO Budget needs to finalised and the Budget WG will be requested to do this.
  10. The next ICANN meeting will be held in the AP region - Delhi. As such APRALO needs to maximise opportunities and it was suggested a committee be set up to pursue this.

Rajnesh D. Singh

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