Participants: Ben Akoh (BA), Tijani Ben Jemaa (TBJ), Rafik Dammak (RD), Dave Kissoondoyal (DK), Michel Tchonang (MT)

Apologies: Fatimata Seye Sylla (FSS)

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber-White

Ben Akoh was appointed Chair of the Drafting Team.

TBJ suggested that the first step is to identify potential African applicants for new gTLDs.

DK pointed out that Res 20 – from the African p.o.v. much work is being done by end users. Perhaps end users will apply for new gTLDs. Perhaps we can suggest to the Board that end users should be a target

BA asked whether there was a possibility of approaching educational institutions.

TBJ commented that the goal is to find people who will apply. It is too late to push people to apply. It is better to identify those who are already applying. We can then find out what their views are.

TBJ noted that the high cost of new gTLDs may hinder those from developing countries from applying for new gTLDs. The Board asked constituencies to work through their SOs/ACs to develop a sustainable approach to providing support to applicants requiring assistance in applying for and operating new gTLDs.

TBJ reiterated that the SO/AC New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group (JAS) WG is now working and by 15 June they will produce a snapshot, a preliminary result.

BA requested more details on the approach of the Drafting Committee to its work given that some of the expectations are spelled out by the JAS Charter.
What expectations should the Drafting Committee be looking at? They have started looking at .Africa as something that is hosted by the African Union. Should we go on identifying the relevant centers that might be interested in new gTLDs?

TBJ pointed out that the Drafting Committe needs to find the possible applicants. Not to push new applicants to apply. There are big technical, monetary considerations. I don’t just mean NGOs or non-profit, but also commercial. Those coming from developing countries don’t have the same possibilities, so they (ICANN Board) wish to know what type of support they need.

BA commented that his view was that the support would need to address issues specific to African infrastructure and ensure that the cost is commensurate with what Africans are paying now.

TJB pointed out that it might be better to hear the p.o.v. directly from the potential applicants. It was important to know what the applicants think. What they are waiting for.

BA supported this and suggested that the Drafting Committee could begin to talk with our networks and set up a time-schedule.

TBJ supported this. The Drafting Team could use our networks to find who is applying for new gTLDs. Additionally, the Drafting Committee could begin to draft something now in anticipation. On 15 June the Drafting Team would have something they can directly react to.

DK noted that it is a difficult task and that they need to get the word out.

BA and TBJ agreed. Given the constraints, they would need to use their networks and mailing lists to spread the word and seek names of potential applicants.

BA suggested the way forward: 1) Important we have a uniform text for the list. Tijani to draft the text and then the Drafting Team can use it to disseminate to their lists. 2) Timeframes – Within the next week, the Drafting Team would need to identify possible applicants. This would be followed by the Drafting Team directly speaking with the possible applicants (Using the sources that have identified them).

TJB added that the Drafting Team won’t draft anything until they have the snapshot from the JAS WG on 15 June. They will have to adjust/update the statement during the Brussels Workshop. The expectations need to reflect the Board Resolution. For example, the Drafting Committee would not be able to say that new gTLD applicants should be free.

Next call will be June 11 at 16:00 UTC. During this meeting the Drafting Team will review the feedback they had and to prepare a framework of the statement

The Framework of their statement would be:
1. General framework
2. Res 20
3. JAS WG output
4. African Expectations (informed by the work of the Drafting Committee)

Identification of potential African new gTLDs applicants was discussed. Possible contacts included:
African Union (Department of ICT) – TBJ to be in contact with them
ICANN's African Regional Liaison should be contacted.

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