Discussion Notes 2 June 2010

Participants: Tijani, Yaovi, Shaarawy Abd Elbaky, Hawa, Abdelaziz Hilali
Guest: Cheryl Langdon-Orr
Apologies: Mohamed
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber-White

Standing Issues:

1. Roll Call

Tijani, Yaovi, Shaarawy Abd Elbaky, Hawa, Abdelaziz Hilali and Heidi and Gisella from Staff.

2. Review of the Action Items of 05 May 2010

Hawa stated that was important to have everyone's opinion in the area of Accountability and Transparency. It is important that all people participate in this consultation. It is a way to participate in the decision-making process.

3. Open Public Consultations

4. Brussels Meeting Activities

Tijani reviewed the joint AFRALO-AfrICANN meeting being planned to discuss Resolution 20 - support for developing country applicants of new gTLDs.

Why important: 1) to do an overview of the situation and then the meeting in Brussels will react to the Board request. This meeting will draft a statement to be sent to the Board.

Remote Participation will be available for all meetings - using the Adigo Bridge telephone (1638# for the dial-in).

5. Update on the ALS Survey 2010

12 AFRALO ALSes completed their surveys.

Yaovi noted that his ALS had some difficulties in completing the document.

Tijani pointed out that the analysis will be based on the results of those ALSes that completed the on-line survey.

6. Accountability and Transparency Review Team: Update and Next Steps
For information: Accountability and Transparency Review Team site
For information: At-Large Workspace on Accountability and Transparency Review Team

CLO stated that with the ATRT activities, it is very important to respond to the public comment. She highlighted that this was a chance for AFRALO to comment on how transparent, clear and understandable ICANN activities are. Cheryl pointed out that what the ATRT is trying to do is to get a set of measurables. This is something that individuals and ALSes are encouraged to do. On a scale of I agree, I partly agree, I disagree, etc. to respond to ICANN activities. It is with that information that we will be able to look at what the At-Large community's views are now and then compare it in 12 months when we have a follow up.

Yaovi asked whether the portion of the survey that will be presented in Brussels is similar to the survey we did recently.

CLO stressed that the ATRT survey was not similar to the ALS survey. The questions from the ATRT are all concerned specifically with what the Affirmation of Commitment said ICANN must do. It was required that ICANN look at some very specific issues.

She noted that there was a lot of information on the Affirmation of Commitments and gave a sampling of questions:

  • 1) Do you think ICANN is accountable to ALL ICANN stakeholders.
  • 2) Can you identify any examples where you believe ICANN did NOT act accountably.

She assured AFRALO members that the ATRT will be pulling out case studies and following up in great detail.

There are 10 questions in total.

  • 3) Do you believe ICANN's decision-making is transparent?

Cheryl said that the ATRT is trying to get the opinion of ICANN stakeholders. The ATRT have put these questions in a survey that will come out shortly. She stressed that she is very eager on getting individual responses to this survey.

Cheryl pointed out that duing the Sunday, 20 June ALAC and Regional Leaders' Workshop the ATRT will come in and listen and discuss the key issues. It is a very rare and important opportunity. So between now and Brussels, she asked that AFRALO members can put your comments on the At-Large Accountabilty and Transparency wiki page listed on the main At-Large Community wiki workspace.

The ATRT will also be having a public forum on Monday, 21 June in Brussels.

Cheryl will take your comments to the ATRT - so please submit your comments! We need to hear your voices to exercise our power.

7. Update on the At-Large Board Selection process
a. Activities of the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)

Yaovi was unable to participate in the meeting. Staff provided a brief review of the activities of the BCEC. The BCEC recently approved the SOI and call for candidates. They are being translated into French and Spanish.

8. ALS Applications

a. Update on status of application of Colorado ISOC: (138) Colorado ISOC

b. Update on status of application of Binary Egypt: (139) Binary Egypt

Shaarawy said he does not know the organization Binary Egypt.

Tijani read the application and had the impression that it was more of a private sector organization. However, perhaps Mohammed will know them.

9. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC

Staff reviewed current ALAC activities.

Discussed upcoming At-Large community calls.

10. Any other Business

Tijani noted that the joint AFRALO/AfrICANN Brussels Working Group are looking for people to be part of the joint AFRALO/AfrICANN WG Organizing Committee. There is currently no one from AfrICANN. Tijani asked that AFRALO members try to encourage people who are part of AfrICANN to particpate in the organization committee. Tijani will contact those members of AFRALO who will be in Brussels in order to coordinate our activiteis.

Meeting Adjourned.

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