Discussion of LACRALO Progress

Preparation for LAC Ralo signing of MOU was discussed in some detail.

Erick Iriarte:
3 months ago, 1st meeting in Buenos Aires of accredited ALSs. Started with basic model MOU and discussed on mailing list and wiki, posted for public comment and received three, and here, worked to finalize the documents. Operating principles, including multilingualism, voting, secretariat. Decided not to have council, only secretariat and plenary (general assembly). Edited document in group, with brackets for discussion. Sent to ICANN for review, legal gave OK. ICANN published MOU yesterday for public comments. We will sign tomorrow. Working on plan for 2007,

  • Chose secretariat: Carlton Samuels, West Indies University, Jamaica, will coordinate for one year.
  • In process of electing two RALO representatives to ALAC, 3-year and 2-year terms, from different countries, orgs, nationalities.
  • One-term limit, to encourage rotation (except first shorter term)


  • Why is the MOU signed by ALSs rather than LACRALO? What happens if ALSs change?

A: LACRALO is an internal structure to ICANN. ALAC accredits ALSs, LACRALO will approve that.

  • Why non-commercial specific interested individuals? Should individuals predominate?

A: A choice of the region. LAC region has common groups that work with users.

  • 6.2, who signs?

A: Everyone who's currently accredited, here or by proxy if they could not come. New ALSs become members automatically upon accreditation.

Erick says "don't accept less than LAC got in its MOU."

Friday Meeting Agenda Notes:

12:00 Ombudsman
12:30 Kurt Pritz will meet with ALAC to discuss budget
1:00 lunch with Nominating Committee

Preparation for meeting with Board

RALO Progress

New registry contracts; *.travel process concerns

JL: same process concerns everyone else had. If you set a comment time, stick to it or announce it's changed.
.org/.biz/.info. What's the motivation to renew now, when they have plenty of time to run and GNSO is amid a contractual conditions PDP. We've brought up other issues of price, competition, use of personal data.

Whom should we work with to make surveys happen, if board is still interested? What's the next step to make it happen.
*How do users see domain names? What do they know, not know?
*What are users' expectation for internationalized domain names in their native scipts?
*Do they find value in sTLDs? Do they find them more reliable, do they know what exists?
*Does price matter to registrants?
*Do registrants expect that their information will be put into a publicly available directory? Do other users know about WHOIS or care one way or the other?

External review of ALAC

IA. Some board members don't know much about ALAC, others do.
Address LSE review of GNSO, its suggestion that At-Large join GNSO. Give Board a printed version of self-review. Useful in their TOR for external review. What else can we provide to make the external review more effective?icann

How does Board expect ALAC, At-Large Director to interact?

We asked for back-and-forth relationship with Board. Can we get input on questions they'd like answered?

Policy issues. Where does ALAC have input in policy development? It was stated that if we provide advice after PDP, it's often too late, yet we don't have full participation in GNSO task forces.

We asked staff for an issues report on Domain Tasting, that will be on its way.

Clarification on staff support. We're an advisory body to the Board, ask the board for clarification on how to support that position.

Other issues

Kurt Pritz on ALAC support. 2006-07
Current year, meeting space and coordination $10k , travel $368k, professional services (consultants & expenses: 113k translation, 11k phone (fungible)), $291k administration and supplies 21,250. not included, staff support or ICANN meetings.

Operating plan commences in January.
*formulate/design projects that support the strategic plan
**project charter
**charter approval
**scheduling costing
*provide budget request that is combination of
**project costs
**business as usual
*budget includes all travel justifications
*potential funding sources identified
*coordination of this effort through ICANN operations and ALAC "Liaison"

Planning for next year. zero-based.

It would help us to know how budget was created, what has been spent.

Meeting with the ICANN Board

Vint Cerf. Welcomes progress toward ALAC objectives, including formation of structures, RALOs.
Steve Goldstein, International Connections to NSFnet. Rio 1991, there were two 9.6kbps lines connecting Brazil to the Internet. We've come a long way since then, with help from Tadao Takahashi,

Annette Muehlberg. LACRALO formed, others at different stages of the process. Unique circumstances for each. Aim, getting individual users involved in the policy making of ICANN.

self-review (thanks ICANNwiki team!) External review
meaningful participation in policy development

VC: JPA with USG, huge step forward for ICANN, putting ICANN in charge of its responsibilities. statement of responsibilities can be amended by the ICANN board.
IGF, collegial opportunity for discussion. SUrprised and pleased at the utility of the forum.
Self-review. the board will be passing resolution to schedule the external review,

JPA: Concern about the WHOIS statement in the Affirmation of Responsibilities, Vint says that ICANN has the opportunity to change the Affirmation of Responsibilities at any time, and can when a new Policy on WHOIS is adopted.

Alejandro Pisanty: re: IGF, concerned about funding opposition to ICANN.
At-Large is where we have to raise all questions of WHOIS policy, including WHOIS and stalking, also threats that come from other sources. ALAC is an ideal place to find balance.

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