8th May ALAC Teleconference

Present: Cheryl, Annette, Hong, Izumi, Alan, Siavash, Carlos, Jose, Jacqueline, Alice, Vittorio

Apologies: Hawa, Mohamed

Meeting called to order at 13:45 UTC
Agenda: Adopted, no objections
Adoption of minutes: discussion of reply letter to Ombudsman added to minutes
Minutes of previous meeting: Amended minutes adopted

Action item, Responsible, Deadline

  1. Explanation of wiki ranking system for Top 10 Items, Wendy, asap
  2. Ranking of Top 10 Items, All ALAC, end of the month
  3. Draft reply to Ombudsman quoting Ombudsman's list, Jacqueline, today
  4. Summary of ccNSO letter, Siavash,
  5. Get in touch with Kristina Rosete, Jacqueline
  6. Email request for people to join Hong on the IDN Working Group, Nick, asap
  7. Extend current vote to Friday, Staff, today
  8. Research request put to Denise, Nick
  9. Forward all information available on Registrars practices related to research request, Nick,
  10. Draft a response for ALAC to review making clear what information ALAC would make of Registrar survey information, Wendy, asap
  11. Draft response to Denise email re hiring Jean, Jacqueline, asap
  12. Transmit request for an Issues Report to GNSO ,Alan, as soon as response received from Registry Constituency

Top 10 issues list - wiki system will be used to decide upon items. The question is which issues do the ALAC think are important. Wendy to send round a note saying how to rank. To be done by end of the month

Rules of proceedure - Election of officers
Option agreed is that a vote will be held at the F2F meeting before the ICANN AGM for the Board Liaison, and then all other liaison and ALAC officers immediately after ICANN AGM. At the meeting before AGM discuss and vote immediately afterwards online and then send the name to the Board well before the 30 day deadline. At the AGM discuss all the other positions and vote immediately afterwards online and immediately take up their positions. No objections.

Ombudsman Report reply - already a week late, today, to send to the Board. The board have until May 12th to respond to Ombudsman. Jacqueline will send out another draft after the call today - quoting his list and then responding. Will have this done by tomorrow?

ICANN Board - Vittorio - sent via email - about to go on a board retreat. They are talking about replacing Linda. Not much to report. Review Working Group has started and Vittorio is part of this group. Will try to send a written report. Wendy asked Vittorio to propose 3rd Party Beneficiarys in the contracts.

GNSO - Alan - Bruce Tomkin has been elected, Committee is in process of electing new chair

WHOIS - there is no Whois Liaison now but everyone can join the new Working Group

IDNs - Report unavailable from Hong due to technical problems. Will be transmitted by email.

CCNSO - Siavash - sent to list. Will make a summary of info that is not confidential for public access on the wiki.

GNSO Pro Working Group - Wendy - Nothing to report

A new process to cover policy working groups in other areas of ICANN was agreed, based upon the staff proposal which follows:

  1. New working group or policy development process is constituted in an area of ICANN external to At-Large
  2. ICANN staff is informed of the existence, mandate, and any home URL by the Policy staff.
  3. ICANN staff posts a notice at the ALAC Wiki, in the Policy Working Groups section of the site and sends an email to all the regional discuss lists asking for volunteers to work on the issue, together with 1 (or more) concerned ALAC members.
  4. At-Large staff then ensure that the online working arrangements for the At-Large working groups are created (mailing lists, other tools as needed ) and help arrange for necessary information about the working groups' source to be linked to the At-Large presence. At-Large staff organises teleconferences and the like as needed.
  5. The At-Large WG reports get disseminated for the wider AL community for comment (if applicable). The work of the AL WGs gets documented in their online 'microsite' within the wiki for the time being.

We start by issuing a call for those who wish to work with Hong on IDNs to respond.

Chairs report

Staff reports - Nick will put these in writing from now on.

  1. We have the requested server which will make the placement of documents far simpler.
  2. In last stages of confirming a new travel policy with Doug Brent which should be ready by tomorrow at latest. Last stages of confirming a new travel agency which will enable travellers to contact a local rep. As soon as this has all been confirmed it will be (translated and) transmitted to ALAC, NA and LAC.
  3. Draft budget for upcoming fiscal year will be ready very soon just have to take out sensitive data.

The ALAC agreed to wait until the budget has been seen to see if there is anything else that the ALAC wants/needs to be done that has not been allowed for in the budget. This can be discussed online or at the next telcon.

ALS ALS Applications Evaluation Criteria and ALS Applications Process Siavash suggested setting a large block of time at Puerto Rico for discussion of and decisions on these topics and all were in agreement. Alan has resent his email today originally sent on April 9th. His comments still stand.

Current ALS applications vote to be extended to Friday.

New ALS applications it was agreed that in the interim, until a formal new process can be adopted, the ALAC members for each region take responsibility for gathering information from their region as to regional advice for ALS applications and brings that back to the ALAC. Annette will take responsibility for Europe.

Request for staff survey on registrars - Wendy moved to vote on formally requesting this research as set down in the paper she has submitted. Annette in favour. No objections.
Nick will transmit the request. Nick will forward to the ALAC all the information that currently exists. Wendy to draft up and send to the rest of ALAC what use ALAC proposes to make of this information.

Proposal for hiring Jean - Socialtext wiki is free of legal oversights unless the posting is done by a member of staff or an ICANN contracter. Do we want to keep icannalac.org? No one said that they don't want to keep it. Jacqueline will start drafting a response to Denise's questions re keeping icannalac and hiring Jean for comment by ALAC.

Brief update on San Juan details available on - san juan meeting

Alan got a statement from Registry Constituency - he has sent current document to ask them if there is anything objectionable in it. He will send once they reply. He thinks it very important to be able to say we have their support so assuming they make no suggestions for changes will be able to send it out as soon as they respond. If they do make any comments that require a reworking of the current document he will do that and then distribute.

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