The following Subjects will be added to the At-Large Sessions in Seoul:

Policy Sessions on Tuesday

  • Root Scaling Study & Relation to new gTLD Programme - Lead discussants: Adam (and Patrick) - potentially with a briefing by Dave Piscitello
  • Position Description and Performance Indicators - Lead discussant: Alan
  • New gTLDs - Changes in DAG v3 - Lead discussant: Alan - potentially with a briefing
  • At-Large Position on vertical integration registries/registrars - Lead discussant: Alan

ALAC Sunday Session

  • Education Issues for TLD Managers - Lead discussant: Patrick

The following Items will be added to the PAD:

  • Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Policy Development Process (ends 5 October 09)
  • Document Publication Operational Policy (ends 8 October)
  • At-Large Position on vertical integration registries/registrars (the issue will first be discussed in Seoul)
  • Statement on the SSAC retreat agenda
  • No labels