The call for the Work Stream 2 Community Coordination Group takes place on Tuesday, 04 October 2022 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see:


  1. Welcome
  2. Summary of the August meeting
  3. Physical Disability footnote review
  4. Tool for Diversity References in Governance Documents
  5. Discussion on 7 Diversity Elements
    1. Geographical/Regional representation
    2. Diverse Skills
    3. Stakeholder and Constituency
    4. Language
  6. AOB




Apologies: Samantha Demetriou, Alfredo Calderon, Rob Carolina 


Audio Recording

Zoom Recording (including audio, visual, rough transcript and chat)

Notes/ Action Items

Action items wiki space

  1. Physical Disability footnote review
    David McAuley indicated that he is OK with the language. Suada added that we have the footnote so we are not excluding any disabilities.
  2. Tool for Diversity References in Governance Documents
    CLO commented that clustering the documents such as Operating Principles and Rules of Procedures can be clustered for most RALOs. Sarah agreed and added that the language section can be updated so that it includes both French and English for AFRALO.
    Participants will work with their groups on the Governance Document References, Vanda added that she will raise this during the next LACRALO meeting.
    Sebastien added that RALOs work on their RoPs after ALS and Individuals Mobilization WGs outputs, and also indicated that there was a recent exercise that EURALO started evaluating all leadership structures within ICANN regarding diversity. Outputs are to be published in a couple of weeks.
  3. Discussion on 7 Diversity Elements
    1. Geographical/Regional representation
      The group had a conversation regarding this element a couple of months ago with CLOs, Julie’s and Vanda’s inputs. It was asked whether there is any feedback regarding the element.
      Sebastien indicated that this group should keep an open mind in terms of which region a country belongs to.
      Lawrence said that CSG members are mostly corporates, associations etc. So it is sometimes harder to achieve this element and it is quite difficult to handle.
      CLO indicated that how ICANN is structured is important too. Group needs to think about this element’s level of importance, practicality, and possibility. We should recognize the variations between different groups.
      Melissa summarized that each element does not have a uniform applicability due to the nuanced natures of each part of the community.
      Ashley added that RrSG is having a hard time applying this because almost 89% of Rr businesses are located in North America and Europe but the SG is trying to be creative and try to identify spaces where they can apply this element.
    2. Diverse Skills
      CLO indicated that it should be understood that the difference between desirable traits skills and experiences specific for roles and responsibilities. Also there is a difference between annotating and identifying these in terms of common criteria. Lowering the participation barrier is applicable here, as well. ICANN can use professional services to lower the barrier of participation like it did with language services, but there is a cost for that.
      Julie added the SSAC way of applying this, the skills survey before admitting a member. However, it might not translate to other community groups.
      Ashley indicated that they don’t have skills requirement since being a Rr is enough to participate in, however, they have subgroups that might require specific skills. Sometimes there are specific PDPs, in that case some members are asked to participate in the PDP due to their skillset.
      David agrees with Ashley based on his experience in RySG and ccNSO.
      Melissa summarized that each community’s approach to the skills is unique.
    3. Stakeholder and Constituency
      To be discussed next meeting
    4. Language
      Vanda indicated that language was a big issue for LACRALO even at the level of translations of Bylaws.
      To be discussed further at the next meeting.
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