The call for the Work Stream 2 Community Coordination Group takes place on Tuesday, 12 July 2022 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see:


1. Welcome
2. Review of the action items from last call
3. SO/AC/Groups’ expectations and needs for subject matter assistance from the  consultant
4. Continue discussion on diversity recommendation 1.1
5. AOB 


CCWG Accountability WS2 Annex 1 Diversity Final Recommendations

WS2 Diversity Rec. 1.1 - GAC Perspective Proposal (March 2022)



Apologies:  David McAuley, Suada Hadzovic

Notes/ Action Items

The group began its discussion by considering whether there is broad agreement across all the SOAC groups that the seven elements of diversity from Recommendation 1.1 should be the foundation for discussing and assessing diversity within the ICANN community. There was general consensus that these elements are a useful starting point, although several participants noted that not all SOAC groups can or should be expected to meet all seven criteria in all instances.  

One group member noted that in implementing Recommendation 1.1 it will likely be important to take into account differences between individuals and groups as well as organizational size since this can affect whether they have resources for implementation. 

A few members agreed that, with respect to the seven basic elements, just as it may be difficult or impossible for some groups to meet the criteria - such as policy working groups that are chartered to review a specific technical or industry issue - conversely there is nothing to prevent a group from considering additional diversity elements. 

One member noted that the NomCom has recognized that using diversity as a specific criteria for selection can be both positive and negative (i.e. it can introduce subjective bias to the selection process). 

Another member suggested that, whether as part of WS2 implementation or as an outcome thereof, ICANN could consider a program to identify and nurture a long term pipeline of future community leaders who will also be diverse across the seven agreed elements. 

ICANN org staff noted that the role of the external consultant that ICANN org has engaged is to provide subject matter expertise as a “backstop” to the staff support from ICANN org. For example, the consultant can assist the CCG with reaching a common understanding about the meaning and scope of the seven agreed elements, and can also work with ICANN org staff to assist individual groups in addressing specific challenges with their implementation work. As such, this call can be a useful opportunity for the CCG members to share their expectations about how the consultant can assist with their group’s implementation of the recommendations.

As the discussion progressed, several key distinctions emerged that illustrate the fact that different community groups may face different challenges in implementation, and may not be able to implement all seven elements in the same way. For example:

  • There is a need to consider different levels of diversity; i.e., in leadership, in membership, and in participation.
  • There is a difference between determining whether the elements are applicable, and whether they are implementable.
  • There is also a difference between ensuring that there is an opportunity to join and participate (i.e., do not discriminate), and with ensuring that there is actual diversity in representation (since we cannot compel someone to join). 
  • Differences between various community groups, especially in terms of mandatory requirements or criteria for membership, could limit implementation for some groups.
  • Different stakeholders also have different reasons for engaging and participating at ICANN. Some devote staff and resources to focus on obtaining specific policy outcomes and ensuring that their particular interests (e.g. commercial) are taken into account in policy development discussions. There may therefore be substantial differences in how the business constituency approaches diversity, in comparison, for instance, with individual end-users. 

One member asked whether the WS2 discussions and recommendations covered not only diversity but also equality and inclusion, and whether the WS2 report included definitions that the community groups can use. Another member suggested that org staff perform an analysis of the recommendations, to help guide the community’s understanding and implementation of Recommendation 1.1.  

In addition to the agreements about the foundational nature of the seven elements, the likelihood that different groups may implement certain elements differently or may not be able to implement all of them to the same extent, the group also agreed that the main objective remains the removal of barriers to participation at ICANN for everyone. As such, implementing Recommendation 1.1 is intended to facilitate inclusion and participation in the ICANN community. 

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