The call for the Work Stream 2 Community Coordination Group takes place on Tuesday, 05 April 2022 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see:


  1. Introductions & WS2
  2. WS2 CCG Background
  3. Update on Consultant for Diversity Recommendations
  4. Topics for Discussion
  5. AoB


Presentation for Meeting #1



Apologies: Vanda Scartezini, Alfredo Calderon, Pam Little, Olga Cavalli, Marielza Oliveira

Notes/ Action Items

Action items wiki space


  1. Introductions & WS2
    • Staff from various functions were introduced to the community and later each community member introduced themselves.
  2. WS2 CCG Background
    • A background for the WS2 CCG is given, including its scope and composition. 
  3. Update on Consultant for Diversity Recommendations
    • ICANN Org is completing the selection process for a DEI consultant to support the community’s work related to Diversity Recommendations 1.1 (uniform definitions) and 1.7 (complaints process). 
    • Consultant will also work with ICANN org on recommendation 1.6 (Diversity Toolkit). 
    • The selection process will end and a decision is expected to be announced in mid-April (see Request for Proposal project overview).
  4. Topics for Discussion
    1. Meeting Related Topics
      1. Observers
        • Agreement to allow observers to provide input.
      2. Chair
        • Decision not to have a chair. Note taking and agenda are supported by staff. 
      3. Meeting frequency and timing
        • Meeting times: There are mixed views in regards to rotating the meeting times. Tentative agreement for keeping the current slot and presenting an alternative for rotation. Meeting rotation to be decided via the CCG mailing list and via a Doodle poll.
        • Frequency: Tentative agreement for monthly calls.  Once the consultant is onboard and scope of work is more clear, the frequency might change since there is no set timeline.
      4. Transparency and notetaking
        • Staff generated notes and action items  will be recorded on the meeting page.
    2. Sequence
      • Recommendation 1.1 (uniform definitions) was suggested as the first priority.TheGAC and ALAC support, other groups did not raise any concerns. 
  5. AoB
    • ALAC  suggested having periodic reports regarding the progress of the group.
    • RSSAC suggested that meeting agendas be sent two weeks prior to each meeting, assuming the CCG meets once a month.

Action Items

  • Staff to initiate discussion on the topics below via the mailing list. Those who could not attend are asked to provide input on the following:
    1. Role and input of observers. Attendees agreed that alternates and observers should be able to join and participate on calls (subject to any internal requirements from their respective appointing groups).
    2. Chair. Attendees agreed that designation of a chair is not necessary at this time. Topic leads can be appointed on an “as needed” basis and the group can revisit the question of a Chair if the need arises.
    3. Call times. Attendees agreed to keep Tuesday, 13-14 UTC as a one of two rotating meeting times. The second (rotating) time remains to be determined (likely via a Doodle poll).
    4. Frequency of calls. Attendees agreed to have an initial call frequency of once a month, with proposed agendas circulated by staff two weeks prior to a meeting if possible.
    5. Progress reports. Attendees agreed that the group should prepare periodic progress reports. 
    6. Sequence of work. Attendees did not have any concern with the proposal to begin the group’s discussions with Recommendation 1.1 (diversity elements).
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