
Terry Manderson


Affiliation and current position

ICANN, Director of DNS Operations


Relevant qualifications

  • Operator of L-root
  •  Member of the IETF Routing Area Directorate
  •  Member of the IETF Internet Area Directorate
  •  Board member of the Australian Network Operators Group


Motivation for membership in the Caucus

  •  Assist the RSSSAC caucus in all work relating to the root server system


Indication of availability

  • Available for all Caucus meetings


Formal roles and interests in the work of RSSAC

  •  Secondary voting representative of L-root to RSSAC Executive.
  •  co-Author/Editor of RSSAC001, RSSAC002
  •  co-Author of the RSSAC Restructure Document
  • No labels