ICANN67 – Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in all gTLDs PDP WG

DATE: Wednesday, 11 March 2020  / TIME: 10:45-12:15

ROOM: Gran Cancún 2 (Virtual)

ICANN67 Schedule link: https://67.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1152562


  1. Review Agenda and Updates to Statements of Interest

  2. EPDP Suggested Potential/Preliminary Recommendations: Review the revised text in Recommendation 1 of URS Deliberations [docs.google.com] (pages 1, 2 and new question on page 10) see action items:

    1. Accept the minor/non-substantive edits to the first paragraph of the recommendation.

    2. Delete the substantive edits to the second paragraph of the recommendation, but maintain the minor/non-substantive edits.

    3. Delete the third paragraph of the recommendation and make it a question for public comment.

    4. In the context section quote from Appendix D of the Temp Spec.

  3. Review of Initial Report Remaining Boilerplate Sections – Action Items from Monday’s meeting) – See the Google docs at: https://community.icann.org/x/1SOJBw -- see action item:

    1. Next Steps: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rUr_YS7PbxFDapazk2wtGxPulPsxgL76P45uCsSvSyg/edit [docs.google.com]: Staff will review the Charter to make sure any overarching issues are reflected in the Next Steps document and in the Charter Questions annex.

  4. Public Comment Tool: Address any questions/clarify possible areas of confusion. See: https://forms.gle/FjAarKNu2HGzdKo8A [forms.gle] [forms.gle]

  5. AOB



  1. EPDP Suggested Potential/Preliminary Recommendations: Review the revised text in Recommendation 1 of URS Deliberations [docs.google.com](pages 1, 2 and new question on page 10)

 Question 1:


-- Add specific mention of the EPDP Team for input.

-- Add “(including the GDPR and other applicable privacy laws)”.

-- Cross reference to mention in the report where it is noted that most URS are default cases.

-- Change to “specifically, Recommendations #21, #23, and #27” and add a footnote with the recommendation text.

-- Change “was referred” to “were referred”.

  1. Public Comment Tool:


-- Add to the introduction: "Please note: that there is an option at the end of this form for those who wish to add text or a point not covered by the questions"  Also note that there is a character limit.

-- Add at the end, “are there any other recommendations that you believe the WG should consider making?”

-- Use all capitals to show emphasis – since boldface is not an option.  But use sparingly.


  1. Updates to Statements of Interest: No updates provided.

2. EPDP Suggested Potential/Preliminary Recommendations: Review the revised text in Recommendation 1 of URS Deliberations [docs.google.com](pages 1, 2 and new question on page 10)

Question 1:


-- Add specific mention of the EPDP Team for input.

-- Add “(including the GDPR and other applicable privacy laws)”.

-- Cross reference to mention in the report where it is noted that most URS are default cases.

-- Change to “specifically, Recommendations #21, #23, and #27” and add a footnote with the recommendation text.

-- Change “was referred” to “were referred”.

3. Review of Initial Report Remaining Boilerplate Sections – Action Items from Monday’s meeting) – See the Google docs at: https://community.icann.org/x/1SOJBw

Next Steps: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rUr_YS7PbxFDapazk2wtGxPulPsxgL76P45uCsSvSyg/edit [docs.google.com]Staff will review the Charter to make sure any overarching issues are reflected in the Next Steps document and in the Charter Questions annex.

-- Question: Whether the WG would like to call out the additional questions in the Initial Report for comment?  Answer: WG confirms that they should be included for public comment.

-- No changes from the WG.

4. Public Comment Tool: Address any questions/clarify possible areas of confusion. See: https://forms.gle/FjAarKNu2HGzdKo8A [forms.gle] [forms.gle]

-- Standard form for public comments.

-- Ensures that the categorization of the comments is more accurate.  Staff don’t have to make assumptions concerning support/non-support.

-- Enables commenters to use a free-form box to provide general comments.

-- Commenters can access both a Word and PDF version as a working document, although commenters will need to submit comments using the tool.


-- Add to the introduction: "Please note: that there is an option at the end of this form for those who wish to add text or a point not covered by the questions"  Also note that there is a character limit.

-- Add at the end, “are there any other recommendations that you believe the WG should consider making?”

-- Use all capitals to show emphasis – since boldface is not an option.  But use sparingly.

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