The call for the Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) Sub Team for Sunrise Registrations is scheduled for Friday, 2 June 2017 at 14:00 UTC for 60 minute duration.

07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 London 16:00 CET

For other times: 


  1. Kathy and Kristine to report on the scope and outcome of their Friday discussion
  2. Kathy to highlight changes made to the batching, order and text of the questions listed in the last version of the Sub Team Google Doc and any further additions being proposed in the standalone document circulated on Monday 29 May
  3. Sub Team to discuss and agree on approach and next steps in relation to the Charter questions
  4. AOB and agreed Action Items for the next meeting


To assist with the discussions, please find attached the standalone document circulated by Kathy on Monday, with Kristine’s edits from Tuesday. The Google Doc reflecting the original Charter questions as well as the proposed refinements last discussed by the Sub Team on 19 May can be found here:[]


Sunrise Period Questions- KD edits to KK doc


Attended but left early: Maxim Alzoba

Apology: none


Adobe Connect Recording

AC Chat


Action Items:

  1. Sub Team to proceed to edit current table/google doc – Lori Schulman to work with staff on proposed way forward (DOCUMENT RECIRCULATED TO SUB TEAM ON 2 JUNE)
  2. Remove "final" from title of 3rd column, and retitle to "Proposed Footnotes or Alternative Wording" in the latest table/google doc (DONE)

These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki here.


  • Understanding of Sub Team co-chair was that the 19 May call would only proceed if a Sub Team member was available to chair the call - not staff
  • Sub Team was meant to not rewrite original Charter question, but only add footnotes to provide clarification on questions
  • Meeting the 31 May deadline was always unlikely as many Sub Team members were not available due to conflicting meetings taking place (GDD Summit and INTA annual meeting)
  • Heading of language 3 can be changed to indicate how it would be used in the Sub Team's deliverables
  • Should the Sub Team proceed with a new document, or continue to made changes to the existing google doc?
  • ACTION ITEM: Remove "final" from title of 3rd column, and retitle to "Proposed Footnotes or Alternative Wording" in the latest table/google doc
  • Even if Charter questions are batched and/or reordered, they do not necessarily need to be consolidated
  • From AC Chat: For staff: Can we possibly make sure that the Google doc is in Suggestion mode?  That way it pulls out all author suggestions as a comment rather than running all edits together.
  • Original Charter questions not all developed by the GNSO Council and/or staff - Many of them the result of community feedback, and placed in the Charter without revisions
  • From AC Chat: Note that there has been an outstanding Action Item for the Sub Team for the past few weeks - to develop proposed definitions for "premium names", "premium pricing" and "reserved names".
  • ACTION ITEM: Sub Team to proceed to edit current table/google doc - Lori to work with staff on proposed way forward


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