On 23 June 2019, the ICANN Board adopted the Operating Standards for Specific Reviews.
Specific Reviews are an integral part of ICANN’s accountability mechanisms that derive from Article 4, Section 4.6 of ICANN’s Bylaws. Specific reviews are initiated by the ICANN Board, subject to timelines specific in the Bylaws. The reviews are conducted by review teams, composed of member of the ICANN community.
As mandated by the Bylaws, Section 4.6, the Operating Standards: ‘shall be developed through community consultation, including public comment opportunities as necessary that comply with the designated practice for public comment periods within ICANN.’
This wiki page documents (and provides links to) community outreach and consultation efforts that took place during the drafting phase of the Operating Standards, including a depository for draft documents and relevant background information.
If you have any question on the content on this wiki page or require information regarding the drafting process of the Operating Standards, please, contact: lars.hoffmann@icann.org.