13 April 2021

Letter from Avri Doria to Tom BarrettOEC Invitation to Meet with NomCom Review Implementation Working Group

OEC invited NomComRIWG to discuss aspects of the RIWG’s latest status report and implementation efforts presented during the 10 March webinar.

14 May 2019NomCom Review Implementation Working Group (NomComRIWG) - Feedback on planned implementation steps

Chair and Vice-Chairs of the NomCom Review Implementation Working Group (NomComRIWG) contacted SO/ACs chairs to welcome feedback on implementation of the 27 recommendations, which will inform the drafting of their Detailed Implementation Plan. 

26 April 2019
23 April 2019
23 April 2019
23 April 2019
14 March 2019Board Action - Acceptance of the Second Organizational Review of NomCom - Final Report and Recommendations
2 June 2018Final Report - Independent Review of the ICANN Nominating Committee
14 December 2018Feasibility Assessment and Initial Implementation Plan (FAIIP)from the NomCom2 Review Implementation Planning Team (IPT)

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