Session 1 (09:00-10:15)
- Welcome and introductions
- Background and status update
- Next steps after Initial Report publication
- Focus of the WG during public comment
- Working methods once public comment closes
- Developing a Work Plan
- What is consensus and how do we get there?
- How consensus is reached in GNSO WGs
- Navigating topics that are "stuck"
- Impact of Work Track 5
- Wrap up
Session 1 Slides (PDF)
Session 2 (10:30-12:00)
- Discussion - topics that need further discussion
- Auctions - Mechanism of last resort
- Private Auctions
- Role of application comment
- Change requests - in what circumstances should they be allowed and to what extent can information be changed?
- Support for your new gTLD
- Wrap Up
Session 2 Slides (PDF)
Notes/ Action Items