Action Items and Notes

Thomas - Was extremely busy. This may have prevented an opportune coaching experience for the coachee. One requirement going forward is that both Coaches and Coachees have sufficient time and that the timezones are more in line. Alan - More consideration in the skills/availability of Coaches should be made. Also, the coachees should also be reviewed for their Chairing responsibilities.

Chuck - it's challenging for coaches to get feedback from their coachees since their schedule is quite busy to provide information. Something has to be done to make coachees more responsive (in terms or resources or tools). There should be more commitment from coachess. Sometimes, coaches have to be very flexible in terms of being effective in the program.

David - Coachees have to be on the call not only as a participant but taking active participation.

Tijani - Had a very good experience with his coachees, doing Skype calls, getting in contact, and meeting face to face during ICANN58. The coachee was responsive. Alan - even getting along well with the coachee does not mean the experience was productive in the coahcing process. Alan believes should be getting more time getting more coaching skills, approaches, et.c.

David - What can be do the make the Chairing Skills more effective, what methodologies and best practices are more appropriate to add to the program.

Thomas - It's important to create better communication channels between the coach and coachee prior to the program start in order to discuss and receive feedback and discuss once the program starts.

Sandra - A particular experience and perspective being a coach and chair at the same time, and had a producitve face to face meeting with her coachee during ICANN58 in CPH. We should create a better self-organized process and independent to run the program (recording, content availability, etc). Had a productive experience with the program and is looking forward to a more organized program.

Renata - A recommendation about the technology used for the program is the remote participation. In this particular case, the coachee didn't know about the tools and resoruces available. Perhaps there could be better strategies to exchange ideas and experiences coach-coachee (should be included in the selection process to identify what skills does the coachee has)

David - As a strategy it's important to have the coachee as participants on the calls to provide experiences. How staff and coaches be more effective on this program? (feedback received); Will collect feedback from coachees during the next weeks.

David - The upcoming CSP program will be taking place during the next ICANN meeting in Puerto Rico 2018.

Sandra - Will gather coachees experiences during the next call. The aim will be to make CSP a permanent course. David - Additional comments and feedback is expected to be recived.

Heidi - CSP program will be continued during FY18.

-- Renata Aquino Ribeiro: also perhaps specific content Renata Aquino Ribeiro: cheatsheets :)

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: summarized content periodically shared would be interesting

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: My evaluation and impressions: More of - conversations w/ my coachee after I observed her. This was a great moment for her to reflect on her strengths and things she should avoid - I did a lengthy report of the observation. Less of - time seemed hard to manage, sometimes too much interval between general calls and coachee observation, sometimes too little time to get ready to observe and all... Same as - exchange of general information - it is good to have the general calls and I hope they become richer opportunities of sharing experiences

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