15:55:03 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the LACRALO WG call
15:55:30 From silvia.vivanco : Hola a todos
15:55:34 From silvia.vivanco : Welcome all
15:57:34 From Jacqueline Morris : No -I'm dialing in now
15:58:01 From Claudia Ruiz : Great, thank you
16:00:46 From silvia.vivanco : Hola David Plumb
16:00:50 From silvia.vivanco : Hello Jacqueline
16:01:04 From David Plumb : Hola a todos
16:02:44 From Harold Arcos : Estoy contactando cada uno por separado,,,
16:03:18 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : holaa a todos
16:04:16 From Jacqueline Morris : Hi Silvia, david, Harold, Lilian
16:05:10 From silvia.vivanco : Welcome Jacqui
16:05:25 From silvia.vivanco : Welcome Heidi
16:07:17 From Harold Arcos : Hi dear Jacqueline! nice to e-see you again
16:08:19 From Jacqueline Morris : Hi Harold! :)
16:13:44 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : hi jacqiueline!
16:14:07 From Jacqueline Morris : Hola Sergio!
16:16:09 From Harold Arcos : Welcome Heidi, thanks to share with us.
16:24:04 From Carlos Raul Gutierrez : totalmente de acuerdo con Vanda
16:24:06 From heidi.ullrich : Nice to be here! Glad you are making progress!
16:24:13 From Carlos Raul Gutierrez : proceso de elecciones
16:27:00 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : hola carlos !!!!!
16:27:19 From heidi.ullrich : @Jacqueline, all other RALOs hold their elections outside of the any type of assembly. They are held during the annual schedule that is about to start in the next few weeks.
16:27:40 From heidi.ullrich : In the last several years, LACRALO has held their leadership elections in this annual process

in the last several years, LACRALO has held their leadership elections in this annual process
16:30:08 From Anahí Menéndez Ruiz (AR) : Coincido con la postura de Sergio, respecto a esa ponderación.
16:30:18 From Jacqueline Morris : Yes, but during a Virtual Assembly. That was the original thinking, and that was based on governance principles. The timing has nothing to do with it.
16:31:02 From heidi.ullrich : The virtual assembly is an email vote in this context, correct?
16:31:18 From heidi.ullrich : Not actually a call where everyone is on…
16:34:55 From Jacqueline Morris : Actually no, it opens at a particular time, it can include elections, motions, etc.,it is quorate because all members have received the notification -it can go on for several weeks or for a few days, depending on the rules adopted. It is absolutely not a single call. It's virtual, and asynchronous. But it is a valid assembly, nonetheless. I think we should look back to the original documentation where this was clearly described.
16:36:13 From heidi.ullrich : Is there any requirement why these new ROPs need to do things exactly as in the past?
16:38:21 From vandascartezini : si harold pero durante el proceso de elecciones uno no sabe antecipadamente cual ele valor de su voto
16:39:25 From Jacqueline Morris : No, but they haven't described any alternative, and I don't see why there should be any change, as it has been working fine for over a dcade.
16:41:49 From Jacqueline Morris : My point with regards to the Virtual ALS is that it's a RoP, so we should put in all the procedures necessary.
16:42:15 From Jacqueline Morris : I am willing to draft an option.
16:43:29 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : great!jacqueline!!!!
16:43:54 From heidi.ullrich : Have you reviewed the ALS rules of the European individuals association?
16:44:16 From heidi.ullrich : That ALS consists of individuals in EURALO.
16:44:31 From heidi.ullrich : It is a very strong and functioning ALS
16:45:58 From Anahí Menéndez Ruiz (AR) : Me parece muy bien el ítem de seguir el criterio, métricas y/o condiciones de las otras ALS, como dice Vanda.
16:47:31 From vandascartezini : no creo ser necesario un registro formal - la burocracia en nuestra region hay que pagar demora mucho
16:47:36 From Jacqueline Morris : @heidi - I was thinking exactly along those lines. Minimum number of members, its own OP and RoP. Byelaws and an official organisation if they so decide...
16:47:50 From vandascartezini : totalmente de acordo com Sergio
16:49:15 From Jacqueline Morris : But I don't think that individuals are quite as problematic as is thought.
16:49:50 From heidi.ullrich : Los individuos en la asociación de usuarios individuales de EURALO son algunos de los miembros más fuertes de EURALO / At-Large. Están muy organizados y contribuyen significativamente.
16:50:04 From heidi.ullrich : The individuals in the EURALO individual users association are some of the strongest members of EURALO/At-Large. They are very organized and contribute significantly.
16:50:05 From Jacqueline Morris : Exactly, Heidi
16:50:28 From silvia.vivanco : https://individualusers.org/become-a-member/
16:50:56 From silvia.vivanco : EL link con el Individual Users association (de EURALO) arriba
16:54:31 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : @heidi Los individuos en la asociación de usuarios individuales de EURALO son algunos de los miembros más fuertes de EURALO / At-Large (la mayotia ISOC). Están muy organizados y contribuyen significativamente.
16:55:26 From Jacqueline Morris : Sure. I will do that.
16:57:07 From Carlos Raul Gutierrez : txs Jacqueline !!!
16:57:19 From Harold Arcos : Podemos hacer más aportes sobre este punto en el correo donde Sergio envió el borrador.
We can make more contributions on this point in the email where Sergio sent the draft.
17:01:10 From Harold Arcos : Sí,, cualquier Participación de un Miembro de la ALS vale para contabilizar la Participación de la ALS.
Yes, any ALS Member Participation is valid for accounting for the ALS Participation.
17:02:20 From Harold Arcos : El liderazgo debemos mantener contacto con las ALSs.
Leadership must maintain contact with ALSs.
17:03:30 From Jacqueline Morris : Exactly. I've been in this situation already. The representative never attended but the oraganisation never knew
17:04:38 From Jacqueline Morris : So LACRALO needs to have a procedure that determines when it sends notification - maybe after 3 months of no-one attending?
17:05:52 From heidi.ullrich : Please note that under the current ALS Mobilization document (Part of the At-Large Review Implementation), there will be requests for ALS information every one or two years. Staff will send the request for update./Tenga en cuenta que según el documento actual de Movilización de ALS (Parte de la Implementación de Revisión de At-Large), habrá solicitudes de información de ALS cada uno o dos años. El personal enviará la solicitud de actualización.
17:05:57 From vandascartezini : Agree with jacquie
17:07:14 From vandascartezini : por quasi maiora simple es 5)5 + 1
17:07:18 From Harold Arcos : +1 Jacq,, nosotros debemos dejar explícito cuándo le enviaremos la notificación a la ALS que no se está participando.
17:07:22 From vandascartezini : 50% + 1
17:07:25 From Harold Arcos : we must make it clear when we will send the notice to the ALS that it is not participating.
17:07:54 From vandascartezini : la abstención no cuenta como voto contabilizado
17:09:18 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : Mis disculpas debo dejarlos tengo una reunión on line del trabajo
17:09:25 From vandascartezini : mitad mas uno a lo mínimo es el simple
17:10:27 From silvia.vivanco : Section 15.- Abstentions: At Large Structures abstaining from voting shall not be considered as validly cast votes. However, if in one virtual meeting there is one or more ALSes “abstaining”, said vote/s shall be counted for the purposes of reaching quorum.
17:10:31 From silvia.vivanco : Si Vanda
17:10:41 From silvia.vivanco : Seria bueno llegar a definiciones
17:10:53 From silvia.vivanco : Mayoria simple- 50% + 1
17:11:00 From silvia.vivanco : super mayoría = 2/3
17:11:35 From David Plumb : Vanda - la definición oficial de mayoría simple no es 50% +1. Es la major cantidad de votos. Puede ser menos de 50%
17:11:58 From silvia.vivanco : Eso es lo que se tiene que definir
17:13:50 From heidi.ullrich : Agree - a detailed definitions section is needed for all terms. /De acuerdo: se necesita una sección de definiciones detalladas para todos los términos.
17:15:53 From Jacqueline Morris : It happens in political elections al the time
17:18:30 From Jacqueline Morris : It's just that abstention can mean many things, but we need to determine what it means here.
17:18:41 From vandascartezini : si tenemos que mejorar el documento
17:18:48 From Jacqueline Morris : Yes, Vanda
17:19:48 From Jacqueline Morris : Yes
17:20:04 From vandascartezini : yes looks like a plan David
17:21:32 From Harold Arcos : Some Concepts can be explained more explicited,, I can contribute,
17:23:23 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : es nuestro primer borrador!!!! :-D
17:24:07 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : it's our first draft !!!! :-D
17:25:14 From Jacqueline Morris : Yes, I'll draft up something
17:27:30 From vandascartezini : por cierto debemos tener una reunion final
17:27:51 From Jacqueline Morris : Nope. I'm good.
17:28:14 From silvia.vivanco : Ok next call week of April 6
17:28:23 From Jacqueline Morris : April 8
17:28:41 From Jacqueline Morris : That's the Wednesday, though
17:28:41 From Harold Arcos : Hemos hecho un grandes avances!, nos ha traido varios meses de reuniones, charlas, cafés y hora laptop :)

We have made great strides! It has brought us several months of meetings, talks, coffees and laptop hours :)
17:28:53 From vandascartezini : 6 de abril ok para mi ok a las 23 UTC
17:28:57 From silvia.vivanco : and next draft will be done by next week
17:29:04 From silvia.vivanco : Ok 6th is noted at 23 UTC
17:29:07 From silvia.vivanco : for next call
17:29:12 From Jacqueline Morris : I might not be able to make the 6th, but maybe carlton could...
17:29:26 From David Plumb : Thanks Jacqueilne
17:29:52 From vandascartezini : independiente del cumple de Sergio en Miércoles el 8 tengo ATRT3 meeting a la noche
17:30:33 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : byeeeeeeeee
17:30:41 From silvia.vivanco : THANK YOU ALL
17:30:45 From Anahí Menéndez Ruiz (AR) : Muy buena reunión, cuídense! Abrazo
17:30:48 From Jacqueline Morris : Thanks. Bye. Be safe, everyone!
17:30:53 From silvia.vivanco : Stay safe !
17:30:55 From Harold Arcos : gracias a todos!! great call,,
17:31:02 From Jacqueline Morris : Yes, wash hands, and change clothes when ou come in from outside!
17:31:02 From Harold Arcos : thanks to our interpreters!!!
17:31:06 From Harold Arcos : bye bye
17:31:13 From Jacqueline Morris : Yes, thanks interpreters

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