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Summary Minutes and Action Items
Translation LACRALO WG teleconference
Thusday 6 December 2012 at 2000 UTC

Meeting Minutes

Humberto Carrasco reviewed the documents produced by the working group:

The document "Draft Report of the Working Group"

The document "Proposed Notice When translated email is not" prepared by Dev

Humberto read out the main themes of both documents.
Regarding attachments, the idea was to use a software to paste a link.

Regarding these Rules of Procedure will be conversational in Gral Assembly suspended in CR.

Dev: With respect to attachments in the mailing list, the problem of computing services in the cloud, after a while longer works so everything has to be in a place where we can access the document.
Perhaps ICANN IT can solve the problem regarding the attachment go to another list eg ES and IN. Perhaps this can be achieved in the future.
With respect to the translation of documents, we ultilizar the 'Confluence wiki ".
We can use the translation tool WIKI. When there is a new policy can load the text to the wiki page and can work with this tool.

Herlein Sylvia: I congratulate you all for the important work done.
Regarding solutions, regarding the mailing list, after reading the comments, it would be best to work with the communications team that is doing the style manual for LACRALO.

Sylvia I think that when people learn to use email, this is going to educate people, educating the community. With regard to the annexes, which would have to do would ultilizar the WIKI that the software is very good. All part of an ALS members are able to post in the WIKI. Also using the WIKI we would not have the problem of the cloud post.

Tardiness of documents traduccioon
You have to differentiate the types of documents to translate that for us to have a more precise software, if we have to make a version of a statement of LACRALO, never replace the professional translator. We have to differentiate this type of thing.
Humberto mention that since we have Juan Manuel, we incorporate both the communication equipment and consolidadarlos this manual.

Juan Manuel
I think we can include the recommendations you have done in the style manual. Ideally we do.
Punctuation guides are also very important.

There is a text to be sent to the communications group.
LACRALO have to comment fairly quickly.
Having a paragraph for very long is not always positive because there are things that repeat, must be concise. Also be sent to ALAC travez and public comment.

I have also posted a guide to punctuation.

Humberto mentioned as following: to send an email with the proposals and giving a deadline of 14 December for comment being made. The meeting would be on December 19 to assess the comments and deciding to submit a final report.

All agreed with the deadline.

Humberto thanked everyone.

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