Summary Minutes and Action Items
Strategic Planning LACRALO WG teleconference
Tuesday 4 December 2012 at 2200 UTC
1. Alejandro mentioned that there were comments in the matrix or SWOT
2. Discuss and make decisions is the goal today
Alberto Soto
Mission and vision defined all items emerge. Want procedures vary. But the account does not change. The strength and weaknesses are internal items. The others are external.
Cross and given a value.
This will give us the priority of the items as primary attack.
This WG should not run too. We formulate it so that it runs in total. Threats and opportunities are external.
Alberto Soto
There are items misplaced misplaced bone, can be passed from threats to opportunities. One suggestion is that those with more experience can collaborate more in the items of the SWOT matrix.
The meetings will take us a long time synchronous, data must be entered in the WIKI.
Johnny Laureano: respect of the above, we can enrich the SWOT advanced, considering six fronts: economic technological, cultural, political, legal, competitive, this will help you get a better segregation of internal and external factors.
Opportunities and threats are external. What are positive and which negative. With respect to workflow, we may need another lecture. Serious asynchronous work. And working in between conferences WIKI another.
See weaknesses and a ranking of the most critical and try to reduce, and eliminate threats.
Alberto Soto
Analyze areas and release them the items. We have to analyze each of the proposed areas and then break off the items.
Each of the points we assign a number.
We must attack the weaknesses and diminish or eliminate them.
Johnny Laureno
The procedure for Alberto is right, we will determine an EFE Matrix, EFI to prioritize and guide the objectives and strategy with them (according to Alberto +1)
Sessions - methodology
Alberto Soto
According to the MOU - Vision and mission of ICANN are very different from ours.
Dev: What would the external expert?
Pisanti: Someone impartial. Expert facilitator and planning groups.
Johnny: I have reviewed the document Strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean, describes many spaces and lines of action of ALS, in this we can be decisive.
Jose Arce:
Regarding the context of ICANN's mission. The planning arises because the region had a deficiency according to the MOU with ICANN. LACRALO can have a planning for issues outside the framework of the MOU.
Alberto Soto:
If there is money for this project.
Open to discussion
Alejandro Pisanti: Possible expertise and if possible pay an outside facilitator. Who could act as facilitators.
Dev: Maybe Rodrigo de la Parra could act as a facilitator.
Pisanti: the facilitator does not have a stake. In my opinion it would not be possible for a member of staff Rodrigo.
Alberto Soto: It would be convenient to participate.
Johnny Laureano: I suggest regarding the methodology to achieve this instrument: Approve now, in 6 sessions get to have a final document (so we can define its development in 6 parts). Nothing is perfect and everything is perfectible, plus we know that it is revised every six months.
Calendar or time
Alberto suggested that participants are more active in this work.
Dev: We have to continue discussions so that when the phone call Could we discuss the issues.
Calendar on the WIKI, work method.
On a monthly teleconference can arrange a time.
Requested an internal effort to develop a timetable and a paper for the December 17.
The timing has to be ready for this date.
17 to publicize what we have to approve a calendar SWOT.
Calendar required the subject.
Decisions will be made through the mail in the stes days.
We can end the meeting now and we end comments SWOT analysis before December 17.
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