Dear all,

This is to inform you that on the 02 de Agosto 2018, we received an ALS application from Internet Society St. Vincent and the Grenadines Chapter.
It is based in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and would be a member of LACRALO, if accepted.
LACRALO must provide with regional advice for this ALS. The due date for the regional advice is the 27 August 2018, this means that our deadline for comments will be the 26 August 2018 at 23 UTC.
Bylaws: Bylaws of LACRALO ALS Applicant Internet Society St. Vincent and the Grenadines Chapter

Kind regards,




Estimados / as,


Se les informa que con fecha 02 de Agoto de 2018, se ha recibido la solicitud de Internet Society St. Vincent and the Grenadines Chapter.
Dicha entidad se encuentra ubicada en San Vicente y las Granadinas y formará parte de LACRALO, en caso de ser aceptada.
LACRALO deberá proporcionar consejo regional para esta ALS. La fecha de vencimiento para este consejo vencerá el día 27 de Agosto de 2018, lo cual implica que la fecha límite para comentarios será hasta el día 26 de Agosto de 2018 a las 23 UTC.
En el siguiente enlace podrán encontrar los Estatutos: Bylaws of LACRALO ALS Applicant Internet Society St. Vincent and the Grenadines Chapter

Cordiales saludos,

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  1. I welcome and fully support the the application of the Internet Society St. Vincent and the Grenadines Chapter. Several of its members whom I've have the pleasure to meet and know have attended ICANN meetings as fellows. ISOC VC has hosted a CaribNOG event and St. Vincent's first IGF in 2018 as its website (which allow has information about ICANN).

  2. I'm also familiar with members of ISOC SVG and the tremendous work they have been doing in Saint Vincent in a short period of time. I fully support this application.