Dear All,

The following regional advice was submitted to the ALAC on the
following 3 ALS applications

1.-Association of Notary Public Professionals of Uruguay\ (ASOCIACIÓN
DE ESCRIBANOS DEL URUGUAY) - Awaiting Regional Advice from LACRALO.

Membership in the The Association of Notary Public Professionals of
Uruguay is open to only Notaries registered in Uruguay and not to
Internet end users. With a subcommittee in the organisation dealing
with legal issues in relation to IT, the organisation is not
structured to support individual Internet users’ informed
participation in related ICANN issues and activities.

Thus the regional advice is not to accredit this organisation as a
At-Large Structure.

2. Associação Nacional para Inclusão Digital - ANID

Members in this organisation are companies and Internet Service
Providers and not end users. Furthermore, a review of the objectives
of this organisation shows an emphasis on activities related to the
development and training of its members in support of business
development and not to individual Internet users’ informed
participation in related ICANN issues and activities.

Whilst this organisation could be involved in other areas of ICANN,
the regional advice is not to accredit this organisation as a At-Large

3. The Ecuadorian Association for Free Software (DTECH ECUADOR GC TECH TICS)

We have reviewed the ALS application and while the organisation's
objective is not directly Internet related, given the inclusion of end
users in the organisation, and
a long discussion with one of its members, we believe their inclusion
can contribute much to the discussion of related ICANN issues and

Thus the regional advice is to accredit this organisation as a
At-Large Structure.

Kind Regards,

Dev Anand Teelucksingh
LACRALO Secretariat


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