Summary Notes and Action Items 21 May  2012

1. Introduction
 A G E N D A -
1. Introduction (3 minutes) - Cheryl Langdon-Orr
2. Roll Call (2 minutes) - Staff
3. Review of Last meeting Summary Minutes and Action Items (5 minutes) - Cheryl Langdon-Orr
4. Review of Draft Final Report  (20 minutes) - Cheryl Langdon-Orr
5. Review and Finalization of Draft ALAC/At-Large Vision Statement (30 min) - Cheryl Langdon-Orr
6. Review of Draft Consumer Outreach Document (15 minutes) - Cheryl Langdon-Orr)
7. Discussion of any outstanding items from all At-Large Improvements Taskforce Activities and Next Steps Planning for reporting and for Prague meeting (10 minutes) (All members of the Taskforce)

CLO thanked everyone for their participation.
CLO asked everyone to check the minutes/ records of the meetings and provide any comments
Action Items were reviewed.
1.- AI: Matt to make a workspace on "At-Large Improvements Implementation Project Status Report - Feb 2012 and Appendix" where individuals can make comments on each section (i.e. break the document up into different sections so members can make specific comments)..

CLO asked Olivier if this AI still needs to be complete,  would still be useful? Olivier said that it would be good to complete. And a link could be sent, it is better to have the space ready.
CLO: It would be wise to do it.
AI: AI: Olivier Crépin-Leblond to follow up with Beau Brendler and Holly Raiche on the development of the consumer document. After this task is completed, Silvia Vivanco to send a message to the Secretariats List asking for members that have ALSes with a particular focus on consumer issues to assist in the early draft and editing of a consumer organizational and individual interests document.

Section A: Reviewed the edits made.
Possible pending issue with recommendation A.
Some of the issues that need to be noted had been handed over to the working groups or ALs to be implemented.
Section B:last para.
Section C: Heidi included activities of the workshop as well as the monthly meetings in San Jose.
Heidi explained the colors and significance on the chart.
OCL: One day is not enough to provide any significant kind of input. He has not received not significant reply. It is time to do a follow up.
The plan is to have a call with Filiz and Sebastian Bachollet and see where we go from here.
CLO opened up the discussion to the rest of the Working group.
We have talked about how we want to show this.
CLO asked if Dev is comfortable with this given the technology task force.
Dev: Yes, the technology task force will be okay with this.

Heidi reviewed the Appendix. The Status of the recommendatopns and AIs. It will be reviewed to make sure the AIs are accurate.
The Appendix will be updated.

CLO thanked staff for the production of the report.
Vote of thanks from ALAC.

Next AI: wiki page with all the comments.
At Large Vision Statement
Open the WIKI and go through the comments.
A few were glued all together.

General conversation:
CLO suggested the terms : catalyzed and to put it in brackets, which means initiate or facilitate.

Darlene: Initiate is completely different from catalyze.

OCL:  Some concerns about that some of the suggestions that were made in WIKI were discussed at infinitum in Costa Rica. We are in a circular argument. Words are beginning to reappear.

Yrjo: Happy with this.

AI: Material from the record of the discussion of the CR are not accessible on our website or the CR website and recordings and transcripts  need to be made available in the WIKI.
Project Taskforce
Tue, 13 March 2012 - 16:00 - 19:30 ,need t be added to the wiki page.

ICANN and the At-Large Community. Join Us to Help Protect Consumers on the Internet.
CLO explained that this is an outreach document which says that ICANN is doing all it can. It helps to protect consumers on the Internet.
CLO asked all participants the opinion about the document.

AI: Dev Anand:  Come up with an example of "Domain Hack" the current example is now is a NSFW link

Yrjo: On the glossary. To trim the glossary to only reflect the items being considered in the consumer text.

Spin off of the improvements implementation will be going on in Prague.
Darlene: She is unsure about how fast we would go on the RALO Rules of Procedure. I little bit unusure about how fast I would need to move on that.
CLO: A bandwidth issue between now and Prague.

AOB: None.

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