Upcoming Trainings

18 September 2024: Advanced DNSSEC https://www.icann.org/en/engagement-calendar/details/advanced-dnssec-2024-09-18

Past Trainings

There are no past trainings yet


Previous regional webinars, which partly include technical trainings, can be found here:

Nordics: GSE Europe Nordics Home

Central Europe & Baltics: Central Europe and Baltics Space


Sign up to one of our regional email lists to be kept updated on ICANN news and upcoming webinars and trainings!:

Central Europe & Baltics: Send an email to ceb-join@icann.org

Nordics: Send an email to nordics-join@icann.or

German speaking countries: Send an email to dach-join@icann.org

For any questions, contact Gabriella Schittek gabriella.schittek@icann.org 

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