When: Wednesday, 27 February 2013. GMT Standard Time. 19:00 UTC / This is a 120 Minute Call.

11:00 PST, 14:00 EST, 19:00 London, 20:00 CET

Adobe Connect Link:  http://icann.adobeconnect.com/r1onj8cflqp/


On page: http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/#feb

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:

Jim Bikoff – IPC/IOC
Elizabeth Finberg - RySG
Chuck Gomes - RySG
Alan Greenberg - ALAC
Catherine Gribbin - Red Cross
David Heasley - IPC/IOC
David Maher - RySG
Kiran Malancharuvil - IPC/IOC
Thomas Rickert - NCA - Working group chair Greg Shatan - IPC Claudia MacMaster Tamarit - ISO Mary Wong - NCUC Jonathan Robinson - RySG - GNSO Council Chair Mason Cole - GNSO Council vice chair

Wilson Abigagba - NCSG
Avri Doria – NCSG
Evan Leibovitch – ALAC
Lanre Ajayi - NCA
Paul Diaz – RySG
Guilaine Fournet – (IEC)
David Roache-Turner - WIPO
Ricardo Guilherme – RySG
Christopher Rassi - Red Cross
Iliya Bazlyankov – RrSG

ICANN Staff:
Berry Cobb
Brian Peck
Julia Charvolen

Proposed Agenda – IGO-INGO WG Meeting – 27 FEB 2013 @ 19:00 UTC (120 Min):

  1. Roll Call / SOI Update
  2. Status of General Council Request
  3. Review of SG&C Input from NCSG (if available)
  4. Review Protection Matrix - spreadsheet
  5. Review latest Qualification Criteria standard
  6. Review IGO-INGO Work Plan
  7. Next steps & confirm next meeting (6 MAR 2013 @ 17:00 UTC (120 MIN))

Action Items
1. None


AC Chat Transcript:

Adobe Chat transcript for 27 February 2013:

Berry Cobb:Welcome to the 27 FEB 2013 IGO-INGO Teleconference.

  Thomas Rickert:Waiting for the operator....

  Kiran/Jim (IOC):Hi all, Kiran Malancharuvil, Jim Bikoff and David Heasley here from the IOC.

  Julia Charvolen:Thank you, will note that

  Kiran/Jim (IOC):Thanks Julia!

  Julia Charvolen:Elizabeth Finberg joined the phone bridge

  Julia Charvolen:Mary Wong and Greg Shatan joined

  Elizabeth Finberg:Thanks, Julia

  Elizabeth Finberg:+1 Chuck

  Alan Greenberg:WOlfgang, I think, was the first one to raise the ECOSOC list...

  Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):I'm sure you're right, Alan.  It was already in discussion even in the Report, if memory serves.

  Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):Mary+1

  Alan Greenberg:It is a 3 dinetional problem, type of org, criteria, type of protection.

  Alan Greenberg:We do have a LOT of people missing today.

  Kiran/Jim (IOC):I'm not sure what Alan is really saying, can't agree or disagree without additional explanation.  Can you clarify Alan?

  Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):Chuck, why should the "why" be different for different groups (unless of course the law requires it absolutely)?

  Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):It does for me, thanks.

  Kiran/Jim (IOC):Thanks Alan, very helpful

  Mason Cole:All -- have to drop off call now.  I will catch up.

  Kiran/Jim (IOC):It's the UN6 plus 3 additional languages (German, Greek and Korean)

  Kiran/Jim (IOC):just a minor point of clarification, thanks

  Berry Cobb:Thank you Kiran.  Updated

  Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):I hope

  Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):I always gets bumped off the line at the good part.

  Julia Charvolen:Do you want operator to dial out to you?

  Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):back finally.  thanks Julia.

  Julia Charvolen:sure you're welcome

  Berry Cobb:http://www.icann.org/en/news/announcements/announcement-26feb13-en.htm

  Alan Greenberg:The discssion between Chuck and me DOES demonstrate how difficult some of these issues are.

  Greg Shatan:Per Module 4: The outcome of the String Similarity review described in Module 2 is the identification of contention sets among applications that have direct or indirect contention relationships with one another. Page 4.3.

  Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):I'm afraid I have to leave early.  Thank you Thomas and all colleagues in advance.  Apologies for my departure.

  Chuck Gomes:@ Greg:  See AG  There are four types sting similarity reviews and only one of them results in contention sets.

  Alan Greenberg:One commen on permanent claims notices. Registrars have said that many of them, and particularly those who work thtrough resellers, bout not support a permanent claim notice without very significant cost and difficullty. I'm not makeing that claim, just alerting the group to them.

  Chuck Gomes:I do not recall

  Chuck Gomes:Not shy just very busy!

  Alan Greenberg:Ig you do a Google search for "UDRP IGO site:icann.org", you will see the draft IGO domain name dispute. But the link no longer works. Will try to find the new link.

  Chuck Gomes:Thanks Thomas

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