Please find below the details for the GNSO Review Working Group Meeting on Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 15:00 Paris CEST, 18:00 Karachi PKT, 22:00 Tokyo JST, 23:00 Melbourne AEST 

For other places:


  1. Review agenda/SOIs
  2. Status of Consensus Call for implementation charters for recommendations 1, 2, & 3, and for 20 and 21, closing 24 May 2018.
  3. Status of Update to the GNSO Council
  4. Discussion of implementation charter for recommendations 6, 33, 35 and 36 on Diversity
  5. Discussion of implementation charter for recommendations 26, 27, 28, and 29 – Updated re: GDPR
  6. Preparation for Update to OEC and GNSO Council at ICANN62
  7. Next Meeting: 07 June 1300 UTC
  8. AOB


GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 6-33-35-36 22 May 2018

GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 26-27-28-29 23 May 2018



Attendees: Jen Wolfe, Rafik Dammak, Sara Bockey, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben

Apologies: Lori Schulman

ICANN staff: Marika Konings, Julie Hedlund, Andrea Glandon

Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

Action Item 1: Diversity Recommendations 6, 33, 35, and 36: Staff will revise the implementation charter and send it to the WG for a two-week review with final discussion during the call on 07 June.

Action Item 2: Statement of Interest/Membership Recommendation 26, 27, 28, and 29: Staff will finalize the implementation charter and send it to the WG for a two-week consensus call.

Action Item 3: Update to OEC & GNSO Council: Staff will draft an update report and slides and send it to the WG for a two-week review with final discussion during the call on 07 June.


1. Review agenda/SOIs: No updates to SOIs.

2. Status of Consensus Call for implementation charters for recommendations 1, 2, & 3, and for 20 and 21, closing 24 May 2018: As of the time of the WG meeting on 24 May there were no objections to or comments on the implementation charters.  If none are received the recommendations will be considered approved by full consensus.

3. Status of Update to the GNSO Council: 

-- The update was sent to the Council on 14 May and due to time limitations was not included on the agenda for the Council meeting on 24 May.

-- No comments or guidance was requested by the WG of the GNSO Council, and the Council had no comments on on the update.

4. Discussion of implementation charter for recommendations 6, 33, 35 and 36 on Diversity

-- Recommendation 33: Question -- Referring to the NomCom: is that also done by the review of the NomCom?  Answer: The GNSO Council can give them guidance or suggestions on our expectation for those who are appointed from the NomCom to the Council.

-- Staff will check with the NomCom on their review and also revise the charter.

From the chat:

-- from Marika Konings to All Participants: 'suggestions' maybe?

-- from Wolf-Ulrich Knoben to All Participants: Maybe that was part of the recent NomCom review?

-- from Marika Konings to All Participants: @Rafik, re. NomCom, I believe that the GNSO is always asked as well to confirm whether previous requirements are still applicable.

-- from Rafik Dammak to All Participants:  the board itself give input to nomcom every year about the expectation for those to be appointed to the board

-- from Marika Konings to All Participants: @Rafik, re. NomCom, I believe that the GNSO is always asked as well to confirm whether previous requirements are still applicable.

-- from Rafik Dammak to All Participants: the public comments was concerned with the finding any inconsistencies on recommendations but not for substantive changes

-- from Rafik Dammak to All Participants:  @Marika but I dont think we responded formally in last years?

-- from Marika Konings to All Participants: @Rafik - yeah, I don't recall either any updates being made, but of course, the GNSO can also be proactive about this.

-- from Rafik Dammak to All Participants: @Marika yes we have to be proactive, getting this as task would be helpful

-- The term “cultural diversity” is not clearly defined.  The element was outlined in the Sub Group on Diversity in Work Stream 2.  Staff will reference that terminology.

-- Board has sent a letter to the CCWG on the recommendations, but did not have any objections to the diversity recommendations.  The public comment forum closed on 11 May, but the report of public comments has not been posted.

-- In the discussion between the CCWG and Board that these recommendations are not contentious.

-- With respect to privacy, staff will revise the charter to note that access to diversity data may be subject to privacy procedures to comply with GDPR.

-- Staff will revise the charter and send it to the WG for a two-week review.

From the chat:

-- from Rafik Dammak to All Participants: the public comments was concerned with the finding any inconsistencies on recommendations but not for sustantive changes

-- from Marika Konings to All Participants: are there any privacy implications of starting to collect and publishing that kind of information?

-- from Rafik Dammak to All Participants: I guess it has to comply with the new ICANN privacy policy

-- from Rafik Dammak to All Participants: maybe asking the data protection officer?

5. Discussion of implementation charter for recommendations 26, 27, 28, and 29 – Updated re: GDPR

-- The WG agreed to the draft implementation charter for these recommendations, which relate to statements of interest and membership lists, in November 2017.

-- The WG agreed to place the recommendations on hold pending any ICANN actions to address possible compliance issues with GDPR.

-- The draft charters have been updated to include the language that now is posted with statements of interest and membership lists to comply with GDPR.

-- No change have been made to the WG determination section with respect to implementation.

-- Staff will send the final charter to the WG for a two-week consensus call.

6. Preparation for Update to OEC and GNSO Council at ICANN62

-- In addition to a requirement for periodic updates to the GNSO Council, there is a requirement to update the Operational Effectiveness Committee (OEC) of the ICANN Board of Directors every 6 months.

-- The last update to the OEC was at ICANN60.  The next update is due for ICANN62.

-- The deadline to submit documents for review at ICANN62 is 10 June and the OEC has requested the update from the WG by 08 June.

-- Staff will update the report from ICANN60 to reflect the current status and send it to the WG for a two-week review and final discussion on 07 June. 

6. Next Meeting: 07 June 1300 UTC: Staff will send the revised implementation charters for recommendations relating to diversity (6, 33, 35, 36) and the Draft Update to the OEC/GNSO Council


7. AOB: None.

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