Draft Recommendation 32

That ICANN define “cultural diversity” and that relevant metrics (encompassing geographic, gender, age group and cultural, possibly by using birth language) be monitored and published. 

Working Party (initial assessment of feasibility and usefulness): CG - Accept with modification: Such metrics should be used with caution, understanding that it may be impossible in some cases to have broad demographic representation.  The RySG is an example of this; members must have a gTLD registry agreement with ICANN and to date there have not been many gTLD registries from at least two of ICANN’s geographic regions.
Staff (initial assessment of feasibility and usefulness):
  • Accept As-Is
  • Accept With modification
  • Reject


MK: Accept as-is, although it would be helpful to define who 'ICANN' is in this context. Is the ICANN Board expected to undertake this initiative with the involvement of all SO/ACs? Is this expected to be a staff-led effort?

Basis for Assessment: 
Work in Progress:

CCWG-Accountability has had recent discussions on the topic of diversity (see http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/wp3/2015-July/000019.html).

Expected Completion Date for Work in Progress: 

Public Comments Received

Comment #

Submitted By



Recommendation 32 (Participation and Representation): That ICANN define “cultural diversity” and that relevant metrics (encompassing geographic, gender, age group and cultural, possibly by using birth language) be monitored and published.


Paul Diaz

gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group

(It Depends) Considering the diversity of the ICANN community, it seems like it would be good to have such metrics. But they should be used with caution, understanding that it may be impossible in some cases to have broad demographic representation. The RySG is an example of this; members must have a gTLD registry agreement with ICANN and to date there have not been many gTLD registries from at least two of ICANN’s geographic regions.


Osvaldo Novoa


(Support) This recommendation does raise a number of concerns. Whilst efforts to achieve greater diversity are applauded, turning this into a bureaucratic approach that measures the value of input by checking diversity check boxes misses the most important issue which is the need to ensure a balanced input of views is obtained. Focusing purely on geographic representation gender and culture may not always achieve that. The ISPCP also question why age group is required as part of the metric. Ageism within ICANN has never been an issue, with broad participation from all age groups


Etienne Sanz De Acedo, Lori Schulman


ICANN should consider cultural diversity in decisionmaking, and keep track of diversity-related metrics. ICANN should establish a Working Group to encourage GNSO participation of under-represented groups.


Will Hudson


If adopted would improve the diversity of working groups and their openness to newcomers so that the policy development process is more reflective of all stakeholders


Yannis Li


We understand geographic region seems to have become a proxy for cultural diversity but the community is unlikely to reach consensus on how to measure cultural diversity. We therefore encourage the Independent Examiner to provide concrete suggestions towards implementing cultural diversity in its final report.


Anupam Agrawal

Internet Society, India Kolkata Chapter

The Indian representation in the GNSO council or for that matter the Asia Pacific User vis a vis the representation in GNSO is not reflective enough and efforts needs to be made to improve the scenario. The same analysis based on different groups within GNSO will reflect the real picture and can be included as part of analysis. The Westlake observation in terms of diversity of participation, is absolutely correct and there is agreement in this regard.


Laura Covington, J. Scott Evans, Marie Pattullo

Business Constituency

We agree that ICANN define “cultural diversity” and that relevant metrics encompassing geographic, gender, age group and cultural, possibly by using birth language, be monitored and published.


Stephanie Perrin


While this is a worthy activity, it is worth noting that staff time spent on this could perhaps be better spent on mentoring and assisting new recruits, as it seems this is where outreach fails to materialize into working partners.


Greg Shatan


(Support) IPC notes that privacy impacts on ICANN volunteers must also be taken into account.


Amr Elsadr


If by ICANN, the recommendation is referring to the ICANN community, then I have no objection to this recommendation.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond


(Support) The ALAC supports this recommendation.

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