The next meeting of the GNSO Bylaws Implementation Drafting Team is scheduled on Monday 31 August 2016 at 1300 UTC

06:00 PST, 09:00 EST1300 GMT, 1400 CEST
For other times:


  1. Roll Call/Statements of Interest
  2. Review Agenda
  3. Confirm Steve DelBianco as Chair and Amr Elsadr to assist him
  4. Confirm date, time, frequency of DT meetings
  5. DT to continue review of table summarizing Bylaw changes affecting the GNSO and consequential procedural changes/additions potentially needed
  6. Next steps?



Attendees: Amr Elsadr, Ed Morris, Steve DelBianco, Steve Metalitz, Darcy Southwell, Farzaneh Badii, David Maher, 

Apologies: Matthew Shears

ICANN staff: Julie Hedlund, Mary Wong, Marika Konings, Emily Barabas, Nathalie Peregrine

AC Chat

Actions/Discussion Notes

1.  Leadership:

Action Items:  Steve DelBianco was confirmed as the Chair and Amr Elsadr will provide assistance.

2. Meeting Schedule:

Action Items: Schedule weekly meetings on Wednesdays at 1300 UTC for 90 minutes.

3. Table/Analysis:

Action Items:

  1. Use of "Council" versus "GNSO" -- staff will check with the original CWG, CCWG reports.  Also check to see where this occurs in the Bylaws. RESPONSE: This analysis will be sent via separate email.
  2. 2.       Check the GNSO Review recommendations to see if any of the affect GNSO structure.  RESPONSE:  There are no recommendations affecting the GNSO structure.  See the report at: Note also that in the GNSO Council motion adopting the report at the GNSO Council amended the Feasibility and Prioritization Analysis to support the implementation of recommendation 21, to which the Working Party in turn agreed.  The Independent Examiner’s recommendation #23 is the only one relating to structure and the GNSO Review WP did not recommend that it be implemented.  The Council, and subsequently the Board, agreed.

Discussion Notes:

  • Section 6.3 -- decisional participants -- how will the GNSO decide who will represent us in the EC administration?  Many new responsibilities of the GNSO acting as a Decisional Participant -- who will choose that person and who will instruct that person?  Need to capture in the document.
  • General point: The document reflects an a bias that the decision will be made by the GNSO Council.  There is nothing in the Bylaws about the GNSO Council recieving decisions.  The GNSO Council is the manager of the PDP.  We need to look at that in each case and ask is this activity part of the management of the PDP.  If not then we need to figure out who will be doing this.
  • What, who, how -- if we can come up with that it will be much easier.  Only two "whats" -- making yes/no decisions: exercising a power, approving a rep, etc.  Or, a nomination or appointments -- not just yes/no:  members of a review team, liaisons, directors, person representing GNSO on the EC administration group.  Decisions: who makes the decision and how?  "How" is threshold of voting.  What: 1) yes/no decisions 2) nominations & appointments.  Could come up with a new voting rule for how Council chooses to proceed.
  • One track: Assume that Council expresses the GNSO's views -- explore the threshold for decision making; could be a new rule.  Another track:  Could the GNSO exercise nominations and decisions without going through Council.  Given short timeframe: assume the Council speaks for the GNSO and decide on thresholds.  But consider also the other track.
  • Determine which items to prioritize -- such as deciding whether to challenge a budget.  But adds complexity, over just who/how makes a decision.  Might not require a House structure -- could be a supermajority or majority of Council.

Background documents:

ICANN Bylaws - 29 August- GNSO Procedures and Comments Annex D

ICANN ­Bylaws ­& GNSO Procedures - updated 29 August - (CLEAN version)

Revised ICANN Bylaws – 14 June – Notes & Comments on Effect on GNSO Procedures

GNSO Council Resolution creation of the DT

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