The first meeting of the GNSO Bylaws Implementation Drafting Team is scheduled on Monday 22 August 2016 at 1700 UTC

10:00 PST, 13:00 EST1800 GMT, 1900 CEST
For other times:


1. Roll call and introductions

2. Administrative issues - chair selection/election; frequency and scheduling of meetings

3. Overview of scope of work

4. Next steps/next meeting





Farzaneh Badii, Steve Metalitz, Darcy Southwell, Amr Elsadr, David Maher, Edward Morris, Steve Debianco, Matthew Shears

Apologies: none

ICANN staff:

Julie Hedlund, Mary Wong, Marika Konings, Emily Barabas, Nathalie Peregrine

AC Chat

Actions/Discussion Notes

1.  Chair selection

Action Items: Keep open the call for volunteers until the next call.  Current volunteers: Steve DelBianco and Amr Elsadr.

2.  Timing of meetings

Action Items: Staff will send a new Doodle Poll to select the time and date for recurring weekly meetings, avoiding Monday and Friday.

3.  Guidelines for Operations

Discussion Notes: Follow the GNSO Working Group Guidelines.  Not all rules would apply.

4.  Overview/scope of work

Action Items:  DT members should go through the table (attached) in detail looking at possible new obligations or rights, and procedures.  Steve Metalitz will send an alternate version of an analysis table for comparison.

Discussion Notes:

  • Implementation plan is due 30 September.
  • There will be subsequent work for language/procedures.
  • Role of the GNSO as a decisional participant in the empowered community – staff assumption in the absence of any other mechanism the decision making may be the GNSO Council.
  • Current Bylaws on managing the policy development process -- some assumptions could be inconsistent; change role of Council in the Bylaws?  Are new duties related to the PDP?  Can we assume they will be discharged by the Council or are they distinct?
  • Possible two tracks (from Steve DelBianco) 1) simple implementation -- assume the GNSO Council -- thresholds and procedures to exercise prerogatives as decisional participant; 2) raise the question of whether some other means of sounding out the intentions or decisions of the constituencies should be constructed (not through Council)?  Note that we should coordinate with the GNSO Review WG -- re: operating procedures and/or Bylaws.
  • Or could have 3 options (from Steve Metalitz): 1) GNSO Council, current voting mechanisms; 2) GNSO Council, different voting mechanisms; 3) Some other method.  Filter questions: Does it fit in PDP or not?  Such as the ICANN budget.  What can we take off the table (that is already part of the PDP)?
  • Think of the Council as a conduit.

Background documents:

Revised ICANN Bylaws – 14 June – Notes & Comments on Effect on GNSO Procedures

GNSO Council Resolution creation of the DT


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