00:23:05    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    Wiki agenda page: https://community.icann.org/x/DACHDw
00:23:57    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    AGENDA: 
RALO coordination:
Meeting 5th Sept 23? 15UTC?
CrossRalo RT 18 Sept 23

EURALO Sessions
Joanna session: Webinaire and F2F



Promotion items for EURALO
00:26:56    Natalia Filina:    https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/2023-09-18+Cross+RALO+Roundtable%3A+25th+ICANN+Anniversary
00:27:30    gisella.gruber:    Sincere apologies for being late … zoom was not wanting to open for me.
00:37:17    Natalia Filina:    great news
00:38:19    gisella.gruber:    17:00 UTC?
00:40:45    adam.peake:    Will mention to Chris
00:41:04    gisella.gruber:    I have an update
00:42:38    gisella.gruber:    I hope I finally get considered as French with the French night :-)
00:43:01    gisella.gruber:    Otherwise I am running off on my Austrian passport to German night
00:45:06    adam.peake:    What’s the topic of the webinar and session?
00:45:18    gisella.gruber:    EURALO Session: Multistakeholder Governance for New Internet Infrastructures: SpaceX, IRIS2, and Equitable Internet Access for All
00:45:31    adam.peake:    Reacted to "EURALO Session: Mult..." with 
00:48:54    gisella.gruber:    I think that IF we hold the Friday session, we just need to send out the invitation ASAP to pencil this in for our Community (well all Communities)
00:53:02    Joanna Kulesza:    https://www.cigionline.org/publications/interplanetary-internet-governance/
00:53:49    Joanna Kulesza:    https://www.internetsociety.org/action-plan/leos/
00:54:24    adam.peake:    Interplanetary Internet is a topic Vint Cerf has been championing for the last decade or so, and has a workshop at the IGF.
00:55:19    Sébastien Bachollet:    Agree Adam
Maybe we can invite him?
00:56:00    adam.peake:    Olivier - was Interplanetary Internet a topic for one of your dynamic coalition sessions a few years ago?
00:56:16    adam.peake:    With Vint
00:56:52    Sébastien Bachollet:    Any link with Galileo European project?
00:58:28    gisella.gruber:    Is Olivier having a snooze?
00:59:14    Joanna Kulesza:    Might be a connectivity issue :x
01:00:32    Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond:    Reacted to "Is Olivier having a ..." with 
01:01:10    Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond:    I had a frozen screen
01:01:41    gisella.gruber:    Wednesday 15h45-17h15 is the F2F time
01:01:52    gisella.gruber:    Wednesday 25 October
01:04:09    gisella.gruber:    90min - please confirm time for the Friday we have decided on
01:04:17    gisella.gruber:    I will already hold interpretation
01:04:44    Joanna Kulesza:    Sept. 22nd at 18h00 CET for 90 mins then, thank you!
01:07:42    Joanna Kulesza:    Willd o!
01:07:45    Joanna Kulesza:    *do
01:07:55    Joanna Kulesza:    Here's a link from the EU side : https://defence-industry-space.ec.europa.eu/eu-space-policy/iris2_en
01:09:33    Joanna Kulesza:    Last link: https://www.swp-berlin.org/10.18449/2021RP03/
01:09:42    Sébastien Bachollet:    https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/2023-09-18+Cross+RALO+Roundtable%3A+25th+ICANN+Anniversary
01:10:37    Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond:    when I see how many satellites are going to be sent above our heads, I think time is passing by for watching a beautiful starry night
01:11:19    Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond:    I was recently in central France far away from everything and was reminded how beautiful a dark sky is
01:11:20    gisella.gruber:    So sorry! Gremlins
01:11:25    gisella.gruber:    Will listen to the recording
01:11:28    Joanna Kulesza:    Reacted to "when I see how many ..." with 
01:14:26    Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond:    btw -- the powerpoint presentation on the agenda does not exist - clicking on it returns an error
01:22:59    gisella.gruber:    I will keep you posted on big roll ups and if we are within timeframe, we will need to move fast. More to come
01:24:14    gisella.gruber:    Yes Natalia, we need to work with Deborah on the booth
01:24:27    gisella.gruber:    We can get the ball rolling!
01:26:00    gisella.gruber:    Fellowship Sunday 1500-1600
01:26:05    gisella.gruber:    I will send the calendar invitation
01:26:36    gisella.gruber:    Thank you all !
01:26:37    Joanna Kulesza:    thanks all!
01:26:42    adam.peake:    Thank you.

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