00:21:16    Adam Peake - ICANN Org: OK.  Can’t be next week, week of Feb 13th OK
00:21:37    Adam Peake - ICANN Org: For a call with ISOC staff.
00:22:58    Joanna Kulesza: https://esdc.europa.eu/2023/01/24/6467/
00:27:05    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Welcome Olivier
00:28:58    Joanna Kulesza: https://twitter.com/LodzCyber/status/1620381979249364992?s=20&t=rxFJQxyfLOMasreERBgeMA
00:29:07    Joanna Kulesza: https://features.icann.org/event/icann-organization/icann-training-series-central-europe-and-baltics-meet-internet-key-holder
00:31:00    Joanna Kulesza: one of the fun things we're doing is also this: https://www-npa.lip6.fr/gig-arts/conference/gig-arts2023/
00:31:27    Adam Peake - ICANN Org: The Nordic series webinar I mentioned, tomorrow “The Swedish Agenda: A Cyber Ambassador's view of the Digital Landscape and Internet Governance" https://features.icann.org/event/icann-organization/icann-training-series-nordic-region-swedish-agenda-cyber-ambassadors-view
00:36:09    Joanna Kulesza: I'll be in Padova for GigArts on the 16th of May Im afraid
00:36:18    Joanna Kulesza: but I'm certain we'll be able to find another date
00:42:23    Joanna Kulesza: nope, all clear, ready to work 
00:42:29    Joanna Kulesza: full compliance !
00:44:35    Adam Peake - ICANN Org: Thank you, bye

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