00:23:25    Ricardo Holmquist: Thank you Gisella, same for you. Happy new year
00:23:51    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: No apologies received
00:23:56    Natalia Filina: Hello all! Happy new year!
00:24:07    Chris Mondini - ICANN Org: Reacted to "Hello all! Happy new..." with 
00:24:32    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Apologies for the slide lay out but as I am sharing my screen and taking notes so not able to share slides full screen at this moment
00:24:59    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Olivier has joined
00:25:02    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Welcome Olivier!
00:28:02    Natalia Filina: Great! New active ALS!
00:30:00    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: This is in progress Sebastien - I addressed this with staff earlier today
00:30:13    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Referring to MONTHLY RALO Coordination call
00:30:30    Chris Mondini - ICANN Org: That is a very interesting topic
00:35:13    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Welcome Adam
00:35:28    Adam Peake - ICANN Org: Hello!
00:36:06    Chris Mondini - ICANN Org: It is a Good Summary of our plan, SeB.  Thank you.
00:36:55    Chris Mondini - ICANN Org: I agree we are well aligned with ICANN strategy.
00:45:12    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: ICANN76 Plenary: ICANN Plenary: Looking Towards WSIS+20: How Can We Improve the Multistakeholder Model for the Future? (Proposed by GAC)
00:48:15    Natalia Filina: agree with Roberto
00:50:19    Chris Mondini - ICANN Org: Apologies, I must depart early. Thank you again for the collaboration and happy 2023.  Adam Peake is here for questions.
00:50:37    Sébastien Bachollet: Thanks a lot Chris
00:50:43    Natalia Filina: thank you Chris for your support!
00:53:24    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: I am cross checking the mailing list as well as the website with your website (taken on both these Action Items). I will confirm as soon as completed
00:58:57    Roberto Gaetano: Thanks Gisella
00:59:37    Roberto Gaetano: I have a list of discrepancies, I can send it to you later tonight
01:00:58    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: @Roberto - please - that would be very helpful as I am taking this over for now
01:08:41    Natalia Filina: thank you Yrjo
01:11:20    Natalia Filina: thank you Sebastien and all. See you!
01:11:21    Matthias M. Hudobnik: Thanks to all and bye
01:11:24    Pari Esfandiari: Thank you all.
01:11:26    Ricardo Holmquist: bye,
01:11:27    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: With this call schedule, invitations and place holders will be going out for all calls

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