- 1. Gisella Gruber to send an email reminder to the EURALO mailing list with the EURALO GA Remote participation information and the link to the Agenda which will be fully hyperlinked with relevant documents.
- 2. Silvia Vivanco to send the Electronic Evite to EURALO-NCUC event to the EURALO mailing list.
- 3. Yrjo Lansipuro, in coordination with Silvia Vivanco and Evin Erdogdu to send the EURALO ALSes Subject matter Expertise Table in google doc format to all EURALO ALses and ask them to include their names in the table next to topics that they are interested in
- 4. Olivier Crepin-Leblond to distribute RALO Response to At-Large Review to EURALO membership asking for comment
- 5. CROPP to be discussed at the EURALO General Assembly
- 6. Jean-Jacques Subrenat suggested : EURALO and ALAC refer to the seat currently occupied by Rinalia be called simply "Seat 15". This would avoid misunderstandings
- 7. Jean-Jacques Subrenat to send a question to the EURALO mailing list to start a discussion on the attributions for EURALO board members .