1. EURALO Hot topics . Document will be put on Google doc and will be shared with all via mailing list so all EURALO members can comment.
2. EURALO By -Laws drafting - group to resume work soon possibly with the assistance of ICANN legal department .
3. EURALO Engagement letter to send the letter via email. Answers to be sent to staff which will compile responses and organize them in a table, letter to be sent by Olivier Crepin-Leblond with a deadline 3 weeks.
4. Decertification
Suspension option was considered by the Board which decided to suspend ISOC Luxembourg for 12 months. Olivier Crepin-Leblond to send an email to the organization with the Board decision and to inform EURALO members of this decision via email.
5. CROPP - EURALO Outreach Strategic Plan shall be filed by September 30th.
- Last year's plan to be used as a basis with some amendments. Olivier Crepin-Leblond to update the document and to share it with the Board.