Please find the MP3 recording for the GNSO New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group  call held on Monday 08 September 2014 at 14:00 UTC at:
On page:
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:
Dan Rodgers - RrSG
Brett Fausett - RySG
Alan Greenberg - ALAC
Martin Sutton - BC
Susan Payne - IPC
Craig Schwartz - Applicant
Jennifer Wolfe - Non Commerical
Stuart Fuller -RrSG
Stephanie Duchesneau - RySG
Iliya Bazlyankov - RrSG
Avri Doria - NCSG
JC Vignes - NTAG
Lucie Loos - Individual
Tom Lowenhaupt - ALAC
Sam Lanfranco - NPOC
Tobias Sattler - RrSG
Alexander Schubert- Individual
Donna Austin-RrSG
Volker Greimann – RrSG/GNSO Council Chair
Jeff Neuman-RySG
Jeffrey Eckhaus-RySG
Mason Cole-RySG
Anthony Harris-ISPCP
William Ellis-RrSG
Tijani Ben Jemaa-ALAC
Dan Kelleher-RrSG
Liz Williams- RySG
Michelle Sara King – SOI
Christopher Niemi-SOI
Philip Corwin – BC
Stephane van Gelder – BC
Katim Touray – Individual
Rubens Kuhl - RySG
Ron Andruff – BC
Thomas Rickert - NomCom GNSO Council
Bart Lieben-SOI
ICANN staff:
Marika Konings
Trang Nguyen
Steve Chan
Lars Hoffmann
Terri Agnew
** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **
Mailing list archives:
Wiki page:

Adobe Connect chat transcript for Monday 08 September 2014:
    Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the GNSO New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group  on the 08th September 2014
  Tobias Sattler:Hi there
  Terri Agnew:Welcome Tobias
  Alan Greenberg:Waiting to get on bridge.
  Terri Agnew:@Alan, I have alerted the operator
  Bret Fausett, Uniregistry:Good morning everyone. We'll get started in just another minute or so.
  Alan Greenberg:Only been 2 minutes - not bad as these things go.
  Michelle Sara King--FairWinds Partners:I am waiting to get on a phone bridfe too
  Michelle Sara King--FairWinds Partners:been waiting for a few minutes
  Volker Greimann:Good afternoon
  Michelle Sara King--FairWinds Partners:oops phone bridge. It's only been a few minutes
  Jeff Neuman (Neustar):me 2
  Alan Greenberg:Now 4 minutes...
  Iliya Bazlyankov:hi All. Joining the call, but no operatiors available.
  Alan Greenberg:On now.
  Terri Agnew:Apologies for the delay on audio. Operator has been alerted
  Michelle Sara King--FairWinds Partners:I'm on now as well.
  Michelle Sara King--FairWinds Partners:Thanks.
  Jeff Neuman (Neustar):Stephanie and I from Neustar are on
  Susan Payne Valideus:Bret you keep cutting out
  Tobias Sattler:yes
  Susan Payne Valideus:yes
  Iliya Bazlyankov:on now
  Jeff Neuman (Neustar):Do we have a consolidated list of those issues?
  Alan Greenberg:Yes, 3+ weeks really needed due to summer vacations and such.
  Bret Fausett, Uniregistry:Alan, I have you in the queue.
  Bret Fausett, Uniregistry:If you are in Adobe and want to be recognized to speak, please "raise your hand"
  Terri Agnew:the following have joined after roll call: Christopher Niemi, JF Vanden Eynde, Lucie Loos, Stuart Fuller, Jeffrey Eckhaus, Tony Holmes, Jason dignes, Mason Cole and Anthony Harris
  Terri Agnew:William Ellis has joined
  Marika Konings:It is actually Karen Lentz and her colleagues in GDD that are working on that (see for further details)
  Susan Payne Valideus:Steve please can you make sure it doesn't conflict with the NTAG meeting on Weds (time also tbc)
  Terri Agnew:Tijani Ben Jemaa has joined
  Steve Chan:Susan, can you please let me know what the expected time of that meeting is going to be
  Susan Payne Valideus:I will check - not sure I have that yet
  Steve Chan:Please note though that we are aware that there should be no conflict with the NTAG meeting
  Avri Doria:i favor a remidial round just for the developing economies that were left out of the last round.  I have not written this up to submit yet, but will.
  Volker Greimann:I would like to see more applicants from other regions, however the same standards will need to apply. Otherwise location shopping will increase
  Alan Greenberg:Volker, no one has said anything else (I think).
  Avri Doria:Since the AGB did a horrible job in its interpretation of theose 19 points, they need to be rewritten to make clear.
  Thomas Lowenhaupt:Volker, do you have suggestions how to achieve this and avoid the location shopping?
  william ellis:does anyone have a link to the 19 policy points? thanks
  Volker Greimann:I think the application fees should go down in general, making appliacations more affordable for anyone.
  Volker Greimann:Porer regions would also be able to leverage lower employment costs for their staff
  Volker Greimann:Poorer
  Steve Chan:William, I've added the 19 points to the Wiki
  Steve Chan:Also included are the Principles and Implementation Guidelines
  Volker Greimann:The applicant support program would also have to be reviewed
  william ellis:thanks steve
  Steve Chan:And here is a link to Final Report itself:
  Sam Lanfranco:When ICANN grants a gTLD it is selling a property with a future ICANN revenue stream. A cost recovery formula should include consideration of the future revenue stream and not just the application process costs. ICANN should not amortize its own gTLD investment costs up front on the backs of applicants.
  Terri Agnew:Trang Nguyen has joined audio
  Thomas Lowenhaupt:Steve, can you share that mind map?
  Glen de Saint Gery:Trang is staff, don't know if you know
  Thomas Lowenhaupt:Tks.
  Volker Greimann:@Sam: That might invite applicants for high risk applications, where they may never see a dime. If ICANN prepays the costs for applications, this would follow
  Avri Doria:hard to speak to a mindmap we have not seen, but the idea is good.
  Terri Agnew:Liz Williams has joined
  Sam Lanfranco:@Volker: There is some middle group between the two extremes.
  Alan Greenberg:Not clear it should be ICANN that is investing venture capital into new TLDs.
  Sam Lanfranco:@Alan: ICANN is "investing" in its own future revenue stream as well.
  Susan Payne Valideus:thanks everyone
  Avri Doria:Alan a good use for auction 'income'?
  Tobias Sattler:Thanks everyone
  Avri Doria:bye all
  Tobias Sattler:bye
  william ellis:thanks all, bye


Proposed Agenda – Discussion Group: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures – 8 September 2014

Roll Call / SOI

Discussion of Issues Contributed to Date / Collection of Additional Issues

Discussion on Issues Categorization

Next steps / confirm next meeting





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