Please find the MP3 recording for the GNSO New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group  call held on Monday 06 October 2014 at 14:00 UTC at:
On page:
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:
Brett Fausett - RySG
Susan Payne - IPC
Craig Schwartz - Applicant
Jennifer Wolfe - Non Commerical
Stephanie Duchesneau - RySG
Tom Lowenhaupt - ALAC
Sam Lanfranco - NPOC
Tobias Sattler - RrSG
Donna Austin-RrSG
Jeff Neuman-RySG
Jeffrey Eckhaus-RySG
Mason Cole-RySG
Liz Williams- RySG
Michelle Sara King – SOI
Christopher Niemi-SOI
Stephane van Gelder – BC
Katim Touray – Individual
Bart Lieben-SOI
Michele Neylon-RrSG
Dietmar Lenden – RySG
Jon Nevett – RySG
Michael Palage – RySG
Johannes Lenz-Hawliczek – RySG
Kristina Rosette – IPC
Philip Corwin – BC
Ron Andruff – BC
Pam Little – RySG
Iliya Bazlyankov – RrSG
Avri Doria-NCSG
ICANN staff:
Marika Konings
Steve Chan
Lars Hoffmann
Terri Agnew


Adobe Connect chat transcript for Monday 06 October 2014:
  Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the GNSO New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group  on the 06 October 2014
  Michele Neylon:did I hear speaking?
  Steve Chan:yes, just pleasantries between Terri and me
  Michele Neylon:grand
  Michele Neylon:thought I'd slipped into an alternate reality where I lost 10 minutes
  Thomas Lowenhaupt:Perhaps that was me. I'd like to confirm that my audio is working.
  Thomas Lowenhaupt:thnaks.
  Katim S. Touray:Hi everyone!
  Bret Fausett, Uniregistry:Steve, can you remind me of when our face to face is scheduled for the LA meeting?
  Steve Chan:@Bret, the meeting time is in the notes section on the right
  Bret Fausett, Uniregistry:Thanks!
  Steve Chan:And thanks for helping me realize the day was missing!
  Kristina Rosette:Apologies in adviance, but I'll have to miss the part of our meeting in LA that overlaps with the GAC GeoNames session.
  Terri Agnew:Welcome Jeff Neuman
  Terri Agnew:Welcome Stephane Van Gelder
  Jeff Neuman (Neustar):Hello all. I am on a train, so I a may likely come in and out due to reception issues
  Michele Neylon:I'll apologise in advance for the LA meeting
  Michele Neylon:I probably have a conflict
  Terri Agnew:Bart Lieben has joined audio
  Terri Agnew:Welcome Donna Austin
  Terri Agnew:Welcome Stephanie Duchesneau
  Tobias Sattler:Hi there, sorry for being late.
  Terri Agnew:Welcome Sam Lanfranco and Tobias Sattler
  stephane van gelder:Message to whomever is managing the adobe room access: Liz Williams is trying to get in but is being refused.
  Lars Hoffmann:@stephane = could you let her know to use her name to sign in?
  Michele Neylon:I can't see anything
  Michele Neylon:all I see is blue
Mason Cole:same here
  Jeff Neuman (Neustar):me too
  Jeffrey Eckhaus:blue screen here as well
  Bret Fausett, Uniregistry:The mind map is not showing in my instance of Adobe. Can others see it?
  Thomas Lowenhaupt:I've downloaded it and am seeingit as pdf. But it's not visible on my Adobe screen.
  Michele Neylon:I can't see it
  stephane van gelder:can( see it either
  stephane van gelder:can't
  Michelle Sara King-FairWinds Partners:I can't see it either
  Christopher Niemi:I can't see it either
  Steve Chan 2:
  Thomas Lowenhaupt:The pdf needs a key for acronyms.
  Terri Agnew:Welcome Liz Williams
  Lars Hoffmann:dear all - the pdf is in the AC room and you can zoom in/out witht he +/- button at the bottom of the screen.
  stephane van gelder:The group's task is to "flesh out" possible issues for the subsequent rounds, isn't it?
  stephane van gelder:I am not aware that the GNSO has started any PDP on subsequent rounds at the moment, so would agree with Jon that policy vs implementation is probably premature
  Terri Agnew:@Katim we are unable to hear you
  Terri Agnew:@Katim, we can now hear you
  Terri Agnew:Welcome Johannes Lenz-Hawliczek
  Johannes Lenz-Hawliczek:thanky Teri, sorry to be late
  Michele Neylon:Katim put yourself on mute please
  Thomas Lowenhaupt:Will there be a live feed for those not in LA?
  Kristina Rosette:losing my voice so typing:  As a new member, I think it would be helpful to use some of our LA time to run through the mind map to make sure that we all have a common understanding of each time on the mind map.
  Kristina Rosette:oops. "time on the mind map" should be "item on the mind map"
  Donna Austin, ARI:Brett, how does this work compliment ICANN's draft work plan? I
  Donna Austin, ARI:thanks Bret
  Steve Chan:Update on Next Round of New gTLDs - 15:15-16:30 on Monday
  LizW:I wonder if it's worthwhile starting to put together a more cogent and organised document?  The mindmap is very useful but could we/should we do more at this stage?
  Katim S. Touray:+1 LizW. And I think Bret is also thinking along those lines when he talks about drafting teams
  Jon Nevett:Great job all
  Thomas Lowenhaupt:Thanks Bret and all.
  Jeff Neuman (Neustar):thanks Bret!
  stephane van gelder:Thanks all
  Dietmar Lenden - Valideus Ltd:cheers all - see you next week
  Susan Payne Valideus:thanks Bret
  Katim S. Touray:Thanks everyone! That was a brief meeting!
  Tobias Sattler:Thanks, bye bye

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